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George although he was blonde with blue eyes looked like my mom. I could see her in him, the shared the same reserved smile. George was slim and just a little shorter than me, he held himself with grace just like kitty. It was clear just by the way he stood that he had a different upbringing that me.

"Emily " he said warmly before wrapping his arms around me.

I closed my eyes to take everything in, my head was on his shoulder and it sort  of felt at home.  I was sobbing into him so I moved, I didn't want to dampen his suit on his big night.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be silly I've been crying since I learnt you existed. I've been extremely excited to meet you, it's not every day you get told your related to a celebrity, I'm a huge fan of your show" he held my hand in his and I just beamed at him.

After Donnie and I had been introduced to everyone we were sat at the table to eat our meal. The room was alive with conversation and laughter. I had been worried I would have nothing to say to these people as I was of a different class but everyone was nothing but kind to us.

"You said I had an aunt, I haven't met her yet" kitty looked up from her salad and smiled.

Kitty looked a little crestfallen "you do, Elenor took your mums departure the hardest and knowing that she has a niece she never knew about has been hard on her. I don't think she's coming"

"Oh" I replied flatly.

"Your cousins are here, you met Martha and Marvin. There Eleanor's children" kitty said pointing to them.

My cousins were around 2 years older than me, I felt sad that I could have spent summers with them. I had missed out on so much, I would never get that time back. I felt like I had been robbed.

Kitty wiped a tear from my cheek and lent in "she will come around"

As much as everyone was kind and welcoming I still didn't feel like I belonged. I had never been a part of this world, sure I had experienced wealth over the last few years but I wasn't accustomed to it.

"I love you kid" Donnie whispered as he kissed my cheek. I needed Donnie, he was my rock. I felt like I could get through this with him by my side.

As the night drew on the chances of my aunt making an appearance grew slimmer. I hoped I would be able to meet her eventually. 

"I've had a lovely time but we really should be going to the hotel, I'm so tired" I said as we hovered by the front door.

"Of course darling, long day tomorrow. I do hope your still joining us for brunch" kitty said as she kissed my cheek.

"Kitty, we wouldn't miss it. Thank you for the invite" Donnie kissed her goodbye and led me away in his arms.

I was bone tired but not so to sleep e that I didn't want a work out with Donnie.

I pressed the privacy button on the limos door making the black screen go up. Donnie told him to drive until we told him to stop.

I hitched my dress up to my thighs and straddled my love. I could feel his dick through his pants, it was hard and waiting.

Donnies teeth found my ear, he began to nibble as I made work of undressing him.  I leaned into him as his tongue found the throbbing vein in my neck , my breasts were in his strong grip as he licked and nipped at me.

I was thrusting my hips over him, I was still wearing my underwear so I was dry humping him. His hand moved in between my legs and ripped my panties to shreds. He pulled me up and dropped me in his hard member. He was filling me completely, my body stretched to accommodate him.

He was buried so deep in me that even a single bump in the road had me wincing and screaming. I bounced on him, he met every one with a thrust of his own. I was falling into ecstasy, my breasts were bouncing as he held firmly to my waist. My back was arched and my head was back , I wanted nothing more than to stay like this for ever.

A familiar burn spread from my thoughts down to my feet until my toes curled and I came hard screaming Donnies name.

Donnies thrust became harder as my own body became Lino on top of him. He gave with a grunt.  He took the hanker chief from his pocket and used it to wipe between my legs, I sighed gingerly as he touched my sensitive nub.

I pulled my dress down and sat back on the chair as Donnie cleaned himself. I let myself rest my head on his shoulder as he told the drive to take us to the hotel. I rested my eyes and thought of my new found family, I smiled as I put my hand on my growing bump.

I don't know how long I was asleep but I woke up in Donnies strong arms, he was just dropping me into our bed. He made quick work of undressing me and slipped under the covers beside me. I reached out and put my arm over his naked body.
I thought to myself that maybe I did miss out on a happy childhood with family who cared about me but I had it now.

I had everything I could possibly want, I have things I had never even dreamed of. I had a family, a career, I was pregnant with healthy babies and I had Donnie. Donnie had been the key to my happiness, I hadn't known true love until I had met him.


He turned and looked at me. "Yeah"

"Will you marry me. Again "

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