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"We don't need to be friends, we don't need to speak" I replied. I was a little drunk. I didn't want to be mean but having any sort of relationship with him wouldn't be good for Johnny and I.

Donnie looked crestfallen, his wide shoulders sagged. I felt guilty but after all he had put me through he couldn't be surprised.

"Look if by some chance we see each other I will be polite, friendly even. But me and you will never be friends , were way past that" I said jabbing my finger at his chest.

"I know I hurt you, what I did was wrong. I should have never kicked you out of our home I was just a fool" Donnie sobbed. Seeing Donnie cry was strange, like seeing Barney the purple dinosaur swear. It looked so unnatural.

I wiped a stray tear and looked at guy, he was on the phone. I knew who was on the other end of the line.

"Look Donnie , I'm not gonna lie what you did killed me and it took everything I had to get over you. I'm finally happy and I have Johnny to thank for the that. "

"I could make you happy again" he sad as he put his hands on my arms.

I looked in his eyes and saw the man I had fallen in love with. It was harder than I thought it would be turning him down. I would be lying to myself if I said I didn't love him anymore.

"Donnie don't do this. I love Johnny, please just leave me alone" I said as I pushed his hands away from me.

I walked to guy who had his phone outstretched to me. I knew who would be on the other end, if he was half as mad as guy looked I was in trouble.

"Hi Johnny" I whispered, I felt like a guilty child.

I could hear the worry in his voice, I watched as Donnie got in a car and drove away.

"Em are you ok, guy said some guy was hitting on you" he didn't sound angry like I had expected.

This was typical of Johnny , I should have known he would have been worried. I was surprised that Guy hadn't realised it was Donnie.

"It was Donnie"

I heard him take a sharpe breath.

"What did he say " now he sounded angry.

I told Johnny everything I could remember anyway, I wasn't going to start keeping things from him. We worked so well together because we didn't have secrets.

"He's such a prick, he realised what he had when it's too late. I can't say I wouldn't try and get you back if  I was him because I would try everything to make you want me again" Johnny slurred. He had obviously been drinking, the band all drank excessively on tour so I wasn't surprised.

"Well you won't ever have to experience not having me in your life. I'm gonna go find Will then go home , you enjoy your night. I love you"

"I love you baby" Johnny replied as I dropped the call. I wobbled back into the club and said my goodbyes, will had my house keys so they didn't need me sticking around. I just wanted to get home and snuggle with my puppy.

Guy opened the back passenger door and I sat down, I was a little unsteady on my heels so I popped them off.  I rested my head on the seat and drifted to sleep.

I woke up to guy gently shaking me asking if I needed to be carried, I thanked him but refused. I grabbed my shoes and bag and stumbled up to johnnys house.

I sat at the kitchen island and ate the leftover pizza from the fridge, I ate the cold pizza and thought of my night. Roxy was begging at my feet , I dropped the crusts and watched them disappear.

I heard a ping escape from my phone, I rooted through my phone until I found my cell. I had a text from an unknown number. I squinted at the screen as I read the message.

*looking forward to working with you Tuesday, it will be just like old times*

"Tuesday, what's happening Tuesday" I said to myself. I realised I was shooting a new Nike commercial, it must have been the director I told myself.

E: i haven't had a script I'm not sure what I will be doing.

I continued eating the pizza as I walked to johnnys bed.

I heard my phone chime as I stripped out of my dress, I decided I would read it when I was in bed.

I read the message and instantly knew who had sent it.

D: I've had the script and it makes for very interesting reading , don't worry kid.

Donnie was texting me , he really had a nerve. I couldn't understand why he would be at my commercial shoot, no one had discussed this with me. Everyone knew our history I had never agreed to work with him.

E: why are you reading my script !!!!

D: it's my script too, were co stars

Great I thought, as if things were uncomfortable enough. The more I thought about it the more I realised it had to be a joke. There was no way they would be inconsiderate enough to make me work with my ex husband especially considering how things were between us.

D: are you fetching roxy I would love to see her

E: no she goes to the doggy spa, I don't understand why you would be at my shoot. No one informed me of this.

D: it's in our contract , don't worry it will be fun.

"Fuck" I yelled. If I had been at my own home I would have thrown something or maybe smashed a mirror.

I forwarded the messages to Johnny and went to sleep, I would deal with this in the morning when I wasn't drunk. I hoped I would wake up and find out it was all a bad dream or a joke.


My eyes felt sore , the sun was burning at my eyelids. Why did I drink so much, I was definitely paying for it now. My temples were pounding, I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep. My mouth felt like an ashtray but I hadn't smoked in months.

My phone was ringing, it had done since I could remember. I didn't think I had the energy to get up and answer it, but the noice was driving me insane. I stumbled across the floor and picked up the devil device.

"Hello" I whispered, my own voice drove me insane. Even the birds chirping was too loud. I was in a sorry state.

"What the fuck em I've been calling for hours, I just sent guy over to check on you" Johnny yelled.

"God keep your voice down my head is pounding" I complained.

"What the fuck were your management thinking agreeing for you to work with him. I'm so not happy about this" he yelled. He sounded like he was ready to combust.

"I don't know I haven't spoken to them yet I seriously just got up"

"How are you feeling about it" Johnny said, his voice was a little calmer now.

"I think I'm still a little drunk, I can't believe it's really happening. It's just an awful for them to do it. I think once my contract is over I'll be ending my relationship with the brand" I replied, I didn't need the money and I certainly didn't need the aggravation.

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