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Filming had started again so I was so busy, Donnie had started to sleep at my house most nights so we were able to spend time together. The whole drama with Johnny was finally settling down after what seemed like forever.

Donnie and I spent almost every night together but every night was different, no part of our life was boring. We would do everything from swimming in my pool to going to art galleries, life was perfect or as perfect as life could be. We would stay at Donnies Malibu house every weekend after his game. We loved being in each others company, we spent hours exploring one another's bodies. I craved him, I just couldn't get enough. Things were so different this time around and I loved every minute of it.

When I woke up Saturday morning Donnie had already left for the arena. There were hours until I needed to leave so I swam in my pool. I called roxy in but she just sat by the door and growled. I wasn't sure what had gotten into her, she wasn't the yappy type of dog. I watched as she jumped forward at the door and barKed, she sounded unusually agressive. I called her name and told her to be quiet, she ignored my calls and continued to bark. I lifted my head to see what she was looking at but I couldn't see a thing. I decided that she must have seen a fly or a lizard. After a while I became annoyed and left the pool, I wrapped my body in my towel and padded inside. I plucked roxy up and told her to be quiet, I told her that she was a naughty dog. Her dark eyes didn't leave the cupboard door, she continued I growl until we reached my bedroom. I had to close the door behind me so she would run out to argue with the cupboard.

I slipped on my sweat pants and a old t shirt, I was planning to work out before I took a shower. I opened the bedroom door and just managed to grab my pup before she skidded down the hall.

"What are you doing, you need a time out" I said as I kissed her head. I left her in my room and walked to the spare bedroom that was currently been used as a make shift gym.

I was doing my usual crunches when I heard roxy approaching, she was no longer barking but just thumping down the hall.

"How did you get out you little Demond" I spoke to roxy like I was expecting a reply only this time I got one.

"Maybe your question should be how did I get in " it was a voice that I recognise. My head snapped up but before I could see his face everything went black.

**sorry for the short chapter, please tell me what you think about this stranger. Is he a friend or foe **

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