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Darkeness, I was drowning in darkness. My head was banging, I had a hell of a hangover but I couldn't remember drinking. I moved my hand so I could nurse my aching head well I tried to at least.  I tried to lift my hand, rough fibre rubbed against my wrists. I moved my arms again and realised that my arms were tied with rope.

I could feel splinters in my inner arms, I was sat on a wooden chair it was obvious now. I tried to move my feet but my ankles were also bound, rope bit into my skin. I moaned in pain, but my voice was hoarse. My throat was scratchy I wanted to call for help but I wasn't sure I would be able to speak.  My mouth was as dry as cat litter, I was so thirsty that I would have drank dirty puddle water.

I tried to work out where I was and what was happening. There was nothing but darkness around me, I couldn't even make out shapes. I didn't know what was going on but I knew that it was bad.  At a guess I thought that I must have been kidnapped. The situation reminded me of something you see in films. I was only missing a gag and blind fold.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to panic but something told me to remain calm. I needed to get myself out of danger, I needed to think of a way out. I needed to keep my wits, there was no point in getting myself worked up. I don't know how I did it I just didn't think about the horrible situation I was in.

I closed my eyes and tried my hardest to hear what was going on but I heard nothing but the sound of my own laboured breathing.  Eventually I heard a creaking door, my spine stiffened and I sat straight up in the chair.

I focused in on the location of the sounds, I could hear that the noise was coming from behind me. I could hear footsteps but they were too quiet , they had to be coming from another room.  I waited in vain for the footsteps to get closer.

I needed to know where I was and why I had been taken. It didn't make sense, the last thing I remembered was swimming in my pool. I tried to remember what happened next then it clicked, my dog roxy had been growling at the closet.  The creature that had taken me must have been in there and my dog had known. Guilt washed over me, I had shouted at roxy and she had only been trying to warn me. I was suddenly more worried about my dogs life than my own, I hoped my baby was safe. I loved her like she was my child.

Time passed, the small amount of natural light I had seen before had gone. It was clearly night time, I had been gone at least 12 hours. My stomach was now making more noise than I could hide, I hadn't eaten since Saturday morning and I was starting to feel weak.

In the whole time I had been awake I had seen no one, no one had been to check o me. I had been given not even a glass of water.

I was thinking about Donnie and how worried he must have been. I could only imagine what he was going through, I was sure that it would be close to the fear I felt. Thinking of Donnie was what got me through that first night , I couldn't bare to think that I wouldn't see him again.

I had been holding my bladder for hours and I wouldn't last much longer. I needed to get to the bathroom and that meant asking my holders.

"Please I need to pee" I shouted, well it was more like a strangled cry.

After a few minutes I heard heavy footsteps approaching and then a door slam directly behind me.

"I'll untie you but try anything funny and I'll knock you the fuck out" a woman snarled.

I was surprised by the female voice, i had expected a man to be behind my kidnap. I had definitely heard a man and I was sure I had heard the bounce before but I couldn't think put a face to him.

"Thank you" I said as she cut me out of my ties. I looked the woman up and down, she was wafer thin I knew I could take her. I just didn't know if she was alone or whether she was armed.

"There's a bucket there and some toilet paper, I'll go get you some water" the nasty edge was clear in her voice.

Take it from me there is nothing more degrading than having to urinate in a bucket. I cried to myself as I hovered over it, the humiliation and the release was just too much. I wiped myself then started to flex my hands. My body was so stiff, I had hobbled across the room as my legs were dead. I had pins and needles in my feet, I was having to walk on the sides of them.

I felt around I hopes of finding some sort of clue to where I was. I was interrupted when I heard the woman returning. I quickly stood by the chair and waited. I watched as she dragged a sleeping bag into the room, she proceeded to placed a large water bottle and a brown paper bag on the chair.

"Come eat, you must be hungry. I'm sorry we didn't feed you earlier. I assumed you were still out" the woman said as she flicked on a switch making the whole room go bright.

I threw my arms over my eyes, I had become accustomed to the dark. The bright light burnt my eyes until they stung.

I sat on the cold floor and ate the contents of the bag, there was potato chips, an apple and a few slices of bread. I ate like I had been starved for months, my stomach growled in protest but I ignored it.

"Why am I here" I asked between bites.

"Were not going to kill you, were asking for payment for your safe return. " the woman replied immediately.

"I have no family there's no one to pay a ransom" I reasoned. It felt like a dream, why would someone take me ?

A cruel laugh left her, making chills go through my body. "I watch the news, if the athlete won't pay the rocker will"

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