Ninety: Found.

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If you read the last chapter, then you know how Jesus had agreed to go and look for Avery, the girl I call blondie. And he did just that.

Oh boy he did.

But the outcome wasn't what I had expected. What happened? Let's go back to when I woke up the next day. Jesus had left the same night we spoke and said he'd be no longer than two days at most.

Stretching my arms over my head did I give the redneck next to me a nudge to which he grunted. The dixion never was a morning person. God help him when this kid arrives because I won't be doing all the work.

Getting out of the warm bed did I find my heart was beating a little faster during the whole day. The moment I stepped out of the caravan it would hammer against my chest. Not only was I worried for Jesus, but I was worried for Avery. There was a small fear within me that she had betrayed us, but she didn't have a bad bone in her body.

"Are you alright?"

I tilted my head as I faced Sasha who was standing behind me with her arms folded over her chest and an eyebrow arched.

"I'm good." I nodded.

"You sure? You only ever bite on your thumbnail when you're nervous."

I scrunched my brows at the woman. We hardly spoke so how would she know something like that?

"I don't talk to you. How would you even know that?"

"I know. But I pick up on these things."

"Uh." I shrugged. "Makes sense I suppose."

I watched her silently, as she slowly walked over to abrahams grave, I felt as though I was intruding but I also felt as though I would appear rude to walk away. I didn't know Sasha well, but she was family.

"He was a good man."

"He was." I nodded. "I'm sorry you lost him. I know you liked him. A lot."

I looked at her as she gently laid down a pretty flower upon the gingers grave. I had to admire her strength. And Maggie's. They'd both lost their other halfs and still wanted to fight. God knows what I would do if it was Daryl.

"I loved him."

"That's good sash." I smiled.

"Good? How is it good?"

"Because he loved you."

Okay, I had utterly lost her. She was looking at me with such confusion even I forgot where this conversation was going. I didn't know her well at all, so this was slightly awkward.

"You gave him reason to live. To keep going. And your love for him is giving you reason to fight. Love is rare in a world like this and you used it well, and I'm gonna stop talking before I start getting to deep."

She took a moment to process my words for a minute, and when she did she smiled softly before pushing herself up of the muddy ground.

She wiped her nose before she spoke again.

"You here to see Glenn?"

"Abe and Glenn." I corrected.

"I'll give you some space."

I placed my hand over hers as she patted my shoulder and sent a small nod as I smiled.

"We're gonna be okay. We're gonna win."

Softly smiling for the last time did she release me from her grasp as she began to walk back to her own caravan.

Sighing to myself did I place myself in between the graves of Abraham and Glenn. Their graves held a couple of pretty flowers and the soil was damp beneath me as I kneed down.

It felt so weird to me, and it broke my heart to to think about both of them actually being dead. I used to talk to them daily, I would knock on their door in Alexandria and talk to them, but now they were both buried under the ground.

It made my blood boil each time I thought about how cruelly their live ended. They were good people. If someone told me at the CDC this was how Glenn was gonna go out, I wouldn't have believed it.

The pizza delivery guy who would Dale out with the RV and swore to never drink again and liked cool cars meet his end this way? No way.

But that was foolish of me. Anything was possible in a damn apocalypse.

But I couldn't let this get me or anyone down. Don't get me wrong, I fucking loved them to pieces and if I could i would spend each day crying my heart out.

However, the way we honour them is to avenge their deaths. Once we destroy the saviours, the pain of their deaths won't go away, but there would have been justice served for our favourite pizza delivery guy and our favourite ginger.

"You deserved better." I whispered. "Much better."

Pushing myself up of the ground did I take one last look at the graves until I heard a sudden loud voice boom through the hilltop that it nearly knocked me of my feet.

"Get help! Get Doctor Carson."

As anyone near me rushed to find the doctor did I find myself running over towards the gate, with two people in my mind, Jesus and Avery.

He'd been gone for nearly a day now and so it wouldn't be a surprise if it was him, but the fact whoever was coming needed medical care was terrifying.

Running as fast as my legs could carry me did I place my hands on my knees as I regained my breath.

And this, my dear readers, is the moment I felt my heart drop again. And perhaps the moment I lost any ounce of calmness in me. This was the moment I was beyond repair. I was angry.

My knees almost gave away as Jesus had Avery's arm around his shoulder. She was sweating heavily, her foot had given away, which was no surprise. But the pints of blood that was pouring out of her stomach like a waterfall was the most concerning thing I saw.

The crimson substance was just pouring and pouring, she was In a very bad way, and the numerous holes in her shirt told me she had been shot at least 3 times.

This is what I was fearing the whole time.

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