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110 | Destruction.

  OPHELIA WAS IN THE church when the grim reaper knocked at the gates

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OPHELIA WAS IN THE church when the grim reaper knocked at the gates. She'd been preying for a better future - which seemed ironic now that Negan was just outside her home. The devil had come to collect a soul or two, which he made clear as his voice boomed.

"You may be wondering why the hell your lookouts didn't sound the alarm. See, we are polite.
I mean, I don't know when they're gonna wake up from that kinda shot, but they should wake up.
So let's just cut through the cow shit - you lose.
It's over.

     "So you're gonna line up in front of your little houses, and you're gonna work up some apologies, and then the person with the lamest one is gonna get killed. Then I kill Rick in front of everybody, and we move on. You have three - count 'em, three minutes to open this gate, or we start bombing the shit out of you!"

     Ophelia's hand immediately reached for her swollen belly - shielding the babe in her womb from the monster outside. The boy inside her was her first priority now - she could not afford to be reckless nor foolish anymore. So, she was cautious as she walked outside of the church.

     The sky was charcoal and the wind chilly as she rubbed her belly and stood outside of the church. But, not a single pair of eyes were in sight - had they all fled so quickly? She didn't blame them if they did.

     No one did no where she was. The brown haired girl had only left the house to run an errand and made a quick stop at the holy building on her way back. It was more than likely that many mistook her absence for her fleeing - which she understood.

     "Two minutes, people! Dig deep. I want these apologies to be memorable. Bonus points for creativity. Work up a poem, sing a song. I love that shit."

     Ophelia's blue eyes widened - no one was here, apart from her. Would he be the life he took as a result? Had her trip to the church caused not only the death of herself, but of the young babe growing inside her belly?

    The girl then gasped, her blue eyes meeting with another pair. Carl was stood just above the gate on the little platform. He was conversing with Negan - his body sweaty and his fists clenched as he protected his family and his home.

     He signalled for Ophelia to hide - so she did. She didn't want to leave Carl, but he had a plan. Something of which she did not. So when Carl slid down the platform and started throwing smoke bombs, she was running around Alexandria like a roadrunner - never before had she been so panicky. But, never before had she been with child.

     Ophelia panicked even more when the houses began to blow up. The houses and the churches and the garages all being devoured by billows of flames, roaring red and smoking grey. The saviours kept bombing Alexandria, the fire smashing glass windows and turning houses into nothing but rubble and bricks.

     The girl kept dodging the fire balls - she got scratched a couple of times from flying glass. It sort of felt like tiny spears against her skin as she would run through the grey smoke surrounding her like a cloak. But, as long as her babe was safe, she didn't mind.

     Eventually she reached a safe space and the saviours stopped their relentless throwing of bombs. She breathed a sigh of relief, she never cared every much for herself or her life, but now that a babe grew inside her belly - she'd do anything to keep herself alive, to keep her infant child's heart beating.

     She then slumped down onto the grass just in front of the fencing. Her breathing was heavy and her pale cheeks burning. Never before had she been so anxious - never before had the grim reaper been so close to claiming her. It had claimed her parents, her brother, and her friends, but thankfully, it had not yet claimed her or her babe.

      But, as Ophelia kneeled tiredly on the ground - adrenaline leaving her with each breath - the gates opened and in came the saviours. Like a pack of vultures circling the place for left overs.

     Ophelia practically glued herself to the fence - she hoped they would not see her. But, when a familiar face leaned over her, his pearly white teeth apparent as he smirked mischievously, her hope had failed.

     His low voice sent shivers down her spine.

      "Well, hello there sweetheart. Miss me?"

❦ ❦ ❦

     Daryl, Rosita, Tara and Michonne kneeled behind a bush, hidden as they awaited for Dwight and the other saviours. Their guns in their hands and knives in their pockets as impatiently they waited for the sound of engines.

     Tara broke the silence. "They didn't get out because of what we did with the truck."

     Daryl silently gulped - he could not help but, perhaps, think it was his fault. If he had not drove that lorry into the sanctuary, surely the saviours would still be trapped within the building, and they'd still be safe.

     Ophelia and their babe would be safe. But, now he did not even know if they were. He had hoped, he had preyed and he had wished that they were safe and away from Negan - that his wife and his child were safely hidden somewhere. Or that Carl was able to find her and hide her. But, truthfully, he knew not.

      He so desperately wanted to believe that she had escaped the grim reapers clutches - but, yet the mere image of his wife laying still on the ground would haunt his mind. Her pale body blood red, her blue eyes lifeless and empty, staring into nothing as she lay in a pile of her own blood. It haunted him every damn day.

     Because he always lost the people he loved.

     Maybe now he'd cost the life of his wife and his babe. God knew, if he had, he'd never forgiving himself. Ophelia and their son - they were the only pure things of which he was able to love. And for Daryl, that was a very rare Jewel. It was not easy for him to love and cherish - he was a complex man.

     Rosita then added, "Even if they did, it was just a mistake. And I made one, too. If I hadn't gone to the Sanctuary to kill Negan, maybe Sasha would still be alive. Maybe she would've gone herself. Maybe everything would've ended up going exactly the same way. I didn't want you guys to do it, but maybe you needed to. Maybe you needed to play things out to figure shit out."

     Maybe they did. But, Daryl couldn't shake of the bad feeling consuming him.


A/N: I really didn't know how to write the mid-season finale so if it was a bit sucky then I'm sorry. Writers block is a bitch 🌚

What do you think Ophelia and Daryl will name their baby?

I published this chapter last night but apparently it's not published anymore, I'm sorry that wattpad is being a But.

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