Ninety four: Fault.

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//Daryl's POV//

I couldn't look Maggie in the eye as she attempted to serve me dinner whilst I plonked myself on one of the local benches yesterday.

No mater how much Ophelia had tried to get it through my skull that it wasn't my fault Glenn died, I still felt responsible. And every time I saw Maggie, I felt that I had destroyed her whole world.

It was early day time when Enid came running up to me, a worried look on her young face as she gestured for me to move. Warning me that the saviours were coming. Oh boy.

Practically leaping of the bench did I bolt forwards by Enid as she led me to some sort of trap door that led to a dark underground room, but before I could enter I couldn't help but notice Maggie had come over to, without Ophelia. What the hell? Where is she?

"Where the hell is Ophelia?"

"She's not with you?" She asked.


"I'll try and find her, just hide before you're seen." Enid snapped.

Ushering us down into the room did she slam the doors shut informing us she would make sure no one would come in.

I took one last look as I slowly closed the door that took away all the light with it and made an effort to quieten my rapid breathing. We couldn't be found.

The room was dark and damp, sounds of droplets dripping on the floor just made everything seem more eery than it was

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The room was dark and damp, sounds of droplets dripping on the floor just made everything seem more eery than it was. There were stashes of boxes we hid behind as we could hear the saviours pottering about and steeling shit that didn't belong them.

Awkwardly standing next to Maggie did I feel a wave of guilt wash over me each time I could hear her breath. Her presence was just a constant reminder of the pain I had caused her and what a impulsive jackass I was.

Hearing a saviour slowly open the doors, a loud creek echoed through the room and I watched as one of the assholes began to walk into the room.

I harshly swallowed as I snaked my fingers around the knife I was keeping in my jeans and took slow and steady steps towards the saviour who was getting to close for comfort.

I was about to strike, I was ready to strike. But that plan failed when he was being called outside and thus was forced to leave the room.

Breathing a sigh of relief did I place my silver blade back into my jeans, ignoring the gentle breeze that followed as the man closed the wooden doors shut.

"You were gonna kill that guy."

I looked up as I saw Maggie was slowly taking steps towards me as she removed herself from behind the big pile of boxes that were on top of one another in the back of the cold and dark room.

"He was gonna find us." I replied in my deep raspy voice.

"He wasn't and he didn't."

"He deserved to die."

And then she said the very thing I was fearing she would say.

"Ever since you got here, you haven't said a word to me. Would you look at me? Please?"

I couldn't hold it back anymore. My voice broke and I sniffled as I tried to keep myself together, but the guilt was overwhelming as I looked at the woman who was practically a sister to me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

My arms went limp as a series of sniffles escaped my nose and Maggie wrapped her arms tightly around me in an effort to comfort me, but I still felt guilty.

"It wasn't your fault."

"It was."

"No it wasn't. You're one of the good things in this world. That's what Glenn thought. And he would know because he's one of the good things to."

Slowly pulling away from the hug did I feel a little better, but all in all I still felt Glenn's death weigh heavily on my conscience. And I would till the day I die. It is what it is.

"And uh, I wanted to kill that guy too. I wanted to string them all up and die. But we have to win, help me win."

I knew she was right, and I admired her long term strategy. I couldn't let my impulse ruin the war we were gonna win. If I had killed that man, it could have ruined everything.

Patting my shoulder one last time did we get the signal that it was all clear, and thank god for that. That room was slowly suffocating me with its freaky ass vibes.

Stepping out of the room did I go back to the small caravan me and Ophelia had shared, hoping that maybe she had come here after the saviours departure.

Searching the small vehicle did I curse under my breath to see she was not hear, there was no single sign. But what I did notice is that her shoes, her set of knives and her rifle were all gone which was strange.

Running a hand through my hair did I begin to pace the hilltop, she must just have gone for a walk. Yeah that's it. Where else would she have gone?

But as the sun set, and night time arrived I also couldn't help but notice Sasha and Rosita weren't here either, and so I went to Jesus who had a restless demeanour as he walked through the old museum.

"Where's Ophelia? And Sasha and Rosita?" I asked.

"They've gone." He sighed. "We far as I know."

No shit Jesus.


"The compound."

Damn it Ophelia, damn you and your impulsive ass.

Running a hand over my chin did I debate with myself what to do. I could go after her and probably get caught, or I could wait. It was a risk to go after her, but she was worth it.

"Don't do it." Jesus said running his teeth over his lips.


"Go after them. They're be back. And you can't risk it."

Bowing my head did I know he was right. She always came back and when she does come back, I was gonna tie her to that damn bed whether she liked it or not.


How will Ophelias trip to the saviours go tomorrow I wonder?

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