It begins

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A/N this is my first book there are probably going to be a lot of spelling mistakes ( I'm dyslexic sorry ☹️) but I hope you will enjoy it. They will probably few anime reference as well as the characters names, but just their name non of the art work is mine or songs i put in. Most of my chapters will be longer then this I will try to upload weekly but might not be able don't get mad.
Y/N - your name
H/C - hair colour
E/ C - eye colour
Enjoy !

"Really!" I exliamed as a black car drove in a puddle that looked  like small lake that I happened to be stood next to, drenching my uniform in cold muddy water. great, well this was just fantastic not only did I have to walk alone to school because my idotic cousin had to get suspended for getting in yet another fight leading our grandmother to believe he needed more anger management (to be honest he probably did) leaving me to walk to school when in was raining. As I turned the corner I could see the grey brick building that I had been going to for four and a half years. I check the clock on my phone thanking my grandmother foresight to get up early and make me and Toma my cousin (he's going to become important later on) breakfast before driving him to counselling. Because it was early it means I didn't have to jog and force my way through the ground gates like I did most of last year. I sidestepped a huge puddle not wanting my uniform to get even worse, the rain last night had been atrocious (If you live somewhere it doesn't rain sorry, but I'm from England it rain constantly 😔). I looked up to Ridgeview Academy's crests that sits on top of the impressive ornate steel gates of the school, I loved the crests of a candle (simulating light) and a ring (simulating wealth) on a back ground of blue. (Didn't judge me for the crest pls) on the side of the gate there was patch of rose bushes. Passing the rose bushes I was shocked as a hand grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards a males hard chest and the mystery male tucked a strand of my H/C H/L behind my hear he whispered in a seductive voice,
"Guess who Y/N"

Yandere x reader, My sadistic princesWhere stories live. Discover now