Choice B : Movies

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"What movies do you have" I asked Ruki whilst running to the couch and jumping onto it. Ruki followed me as I lay down on the couch.

"We have a fire stick what film do you want to watch?" He asked me a thought I while should I make him suffer and watch a rom-com or Disney. Or if a should choose an action or horror. While I was trying to decide Nico padded into the lounge and jumped onto my stomach. She rubbed her head against my stomach to make me stroke her. I gave into her request and started to rub her forehead and behind her ear as she began to purr in pleasure. I fingered her beautiful collar that was when I realised it wasn't just a white a silver collar like I thought it was black on the out edges of the collar but the collar held a picture it was of Haku (the river spirit and white dragon in spirited away)

"Spirited away" I whispered under my breath.

"Huh" Ruki said as he sat me up and then sat down making me lay my head onto his lap.

"Do you have studio Gibble movies?" I asked looking up to the underneath of Ruki chin and jaw.

"Yeah which on do you want to watch?" He asked me as he twisted a section of my h/l h/c hair around his index finger.

"Howls moving castle please" I said smiling up at him and he grinned down at me.

"Ofcourse gorgeous." He said stroking my jaw. I closed my eyes and leaned my head towards the nice feeling the gesture gave me.
"Y/n," Ruki said I opened my e/c eyes. I looked at Ruki he had a slightly troubled expression.

"What's wrong Ruki?" I asked sitting up. Looking into his golden eyes.

"Y/n-n I want y-y-you to know I really really love you. You now that r-right." He told me his eye misting over. I pulled him into an embrace.

"I know that, and I... I think I might be starting to fall for you and Lex to." I said into his neck. Ruki pulled away and kissed me again. Quickly his weight pinned me to the couch. I draped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to me deepening the sweet kiss into a passionate, hot kiss. Our tongues fought for dominance Ruki quickly won. This kiss was getting more and more heated but I wanted more then just a kiss, I needed Ruki to touch me more. I grabbed his hand that was braced against the left said of my face. I placed it under my shirt onto my chest. He pulled away from me and looked at me with the question if I was sure I wanted this. I answer with a slight nod. He squeezed my chest in return. Then started attacking my neck finding my sweet sport I let a moan escape my lips as he started sucking and kissing non stop. The amount of pleasure he was giving me was rendering my thoughts useless the only thing there was was me, Ruki and this feeling he was giving me I moaned again louder this time.

*Ruki's POV*
When she placed my hand on her chest my heart felt like it was about to burst. I knew this meant she had deep feelings for me. After what that demon did to her, I thought she would take more time to be able to let me claim her but the way she was pulling me closer begging me to take her. The moans my darling y/n made as I kissed, licked and bit her soft spot was like a symphony. She started to pull of my jeans. I was quick to start unbutton them but before I could unbutton the last one a loud hiss came from in between us I pulled back from where I had pinned y/n to to couch. I saw Nico shoot me a angry look and settle back on top of y/n and started to purr when y/n started to stroke her again.

"I should ask if we can watch a movie more if that is how it ends up." She said smiling cutely at me.

"Well now you here with me we can. I love you y/n" I told her pulling her to me so our sides were flushed together.

"I think I'm falling for you Ruki."

Yandere x reader, My sadistic princesWhere stories live. Discover now