The jog

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"Y/N!" An excited shout came from behind me as I was halfway through my jog. I turned around and saw Ruki running towards me.

"Hey y/n" Ruki said with a huge smile.

"Hey what are you doing out and about?" I inquired to my friend.

"Are just wanted to get to know the town." Ruki said  "what about you?" he asked. I jesters to my outfit.

"Running" I answered as I yawned. I was tired but I needed to run or I would miss today with my exercise.

"Do you run every day?" Ruki said as we started walking to the park together.

"That or swimming. It annoying when it snows." I said think back to last winter when the gym closed.

"See that's one thing that I like about my home we have and indoor gym with a pool." He told me.

"Wow awesome." I said I would have loved a indoor gym but my uncle didn't like be bothered by things that aren't about his business especially his family. I let out a deep sigh. Ruki's amber eyes jerked to my e/c ones.

"You ok that sigh sounded like you meant it." He asked looking at me concerned. I sank down onto a bench by the entrance of the park.

"I'm fine just family drama don't worry about it." I said leaning back tipping my head up to the sky. I closed my eyes me and Ruki sat in comfortable silence for a while. I started to hear someone hum a familiar turn I kept still. Then the person started to sing
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and
Stars are falling all for us
Days grow long and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one
I opened my eyes a crack as I heard Ruki's amazing voice. I sang along with him in my head. When he finished the song I clapped, he had a beautiful voice.

"Wow Ruki your amazing." I told him showing him my biggest smile.

"I- um t-thanks y/n" he stuttered looking down embarrassed.  I stood up stretching. Ruki quickly got up to.

"It was good seeing you out of school and with out a load of people around I enjoyed this. See you soon" I said giving Ruki a quick hug and jogging back home. I almost missed Ruki saying in a wistful voice

"Me too."

When I got home home Toma was lying down on the couch staring up at the light fixture while Sebastian was kicking ass on the television.

"Toma if you put black butler on the television why are you looking at the he like fixture?" I asked him sitting down on the arm chair next to him unlacing my running shoes.

"Because the light fixture is from him so hopefully he will feel my glare through it." I sighed that meant my uncle had talked to his son. The one question that scared me was why.

"Why Toma?" I asked I hoping   he would know that I was asking why our guardian called him.

"Don't worry y/n he was asking if I had found a wife now." He said still trying to burn a hole in the ceiling.

"Oh." I mumble pondering what it would be like for Toma to find a girlfriend. He was quite popular with the girls however very unapproachable because he could be unpredictable with his anger issues. But I knew Toma would never get a girlfriend as long as I was single and didn't have someone to 'protect' me. He would leave me not after Lyon. I pushed that thought away I didn't want to think about Lyon not now not ever.

" I saw Ruki on my run" I told Toma to distract my thoughts.

" you like them don't you?" Toma asked looking at me.

"As friends yes. Toma you know I don't do relationships." I told him as I stood up and made my way to my room.

"Yeah I know." He said quietly. I walked into my room. I collapsed onto my bed. did I like Lex and Ruki in a romantic way they were cute no questions about that but did I have feelings for them? I flung my left arm over my head. What does it matter anyway it's not like I could date them. I don't do relationships not anymore.

Yandere x reader, My sadistic princesWhere stories live. Discover now