The Nightmare

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That was the first thing I saw, the only thing I saw it was like some terrifying dream but it was real not a dream it was the same bedroom. It was still massive there was the kind sized dark maroon four poster bed, with the mahogany closet opposite the bed. Next to the wardrobe there was the identical black changing screen decorated with deep red roses. There was one deference there where a pair of hand cuffs attached to each bed post and an attachable chain.

"What...." i breathed.

"It's you new bedroom princess isn't it amazing." Lex said spinning me round I was to stunned to do anything he was crazy. His face seemed distorting his smile was to wide for his face it reached from one ear to the other. I quickly got out of his grip only to find Ruki had the same insane look on his face. I tried to run.

"Where are you going darling we can't let you escape after all we promised never to let you go." Ruki said roughly pulling me to the bed.

"Ruki pleas you're hurting me." I whimpered he pushed me into the bed while Lex came up behind me and locked a hand cuff around my wrist.
"Please let me go I want to go home." I begged them.

"Oh but princess you are home. Your with me. You and me for ever and you will be a wonderful mother to our children don't worry." Lex told me I quickly recoiled away from his hand. No! I would rather die then let him touch me.

"I told you lex she is going to be mine I killed Yuki I killed Lyon for her she is going to be mine" Ruki growled.

"What?" I yelled my head could not deal with this. He killed them how was this even possible I tried yanking the chain as hard as I could but it would not break.

"I did it for you sweet, perfect darling y/n it was all for you so we could be forever. I even threatened Nova for you." Ruki told me creasing my cheek while I tried to get away. What was happening how could these sweet guys turn into such monsters they were yanderes. Before now the idea that real life yandere existed was just s fantasy yet here I was chained to bed post confronted by two men I loved who would, No, did kill for me. It was at this point I wished I had paid more attention to Yukki instead of Yuno during Mira Niki.

"You murdered them Lyon and Yuki. Why?" I asked Ruki as I pressed my back to the head bored trying to put as much distance between me and the two yanderes.

"They hurt you sweetheart I couldn't let them go free. What kind of man would I be if I did that." Ruki said with that psychotic smile plastered on his face. I tried to hold in the tears but they came pouring out. It true Lyon did do horrible things to me but he was being punished for them. However Yuki she didn't do anything she might have been a bit of a bully but that was no reason to die. And Nova he was threatened just for being my friend. Lex hugged me from behind because of my crying I didn't even have the strength to fight back.

"Please just let me go." I whispered.

"Princess don't cry. I'm afraid we can't let you go because you'll run away from us." He replied. Of course I was going to run away they were insane.

"I-I-I promise I won't." I stuttered, watching both Ruki and Lex faces. Ruki's eyes went dark.

"I'm sorry darling I don't believe you." Ruki said and with that he left the room. Lex gave me a bone crushing hug, kissed me on the forehead then left locking the door behind him leaving me to cry all by myself in my new prison.

Yandere x reader, My sadistic princesWhere stories live. Discover now