The new student

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I ran to the front gates shit shit shit I said In My mind I didn't want to be late this was all Tomas fault.

*a few hours before*

I had my back to the room as I was looking for ingredients in the fridge so I could make an omelette for breakfast

" y/n" Toma wined from the room I sighed from that moment I should of guessed I was going to be late.

"Yes" I said sweetly as I got a frying pan and put it on a low heat ( a/n I don't know if you cook omelet she on a low heat)

"Help me with this apology email." He said coming from behind me hugging me. Me and Toma have a very close relationship we basically siblings and I'm the only he actually shows his soft side to.

" what are up to" I asked him as I cracked eggs into the frying pan. Toma didn't answer for a couple of seconds. From this I knew it must be bad.

"Sorry" he mumbled

" Toma," I said wanting to slam my head onto the table.

*an hour later*
I ran to my home room not stopping even when some of the teacher told me to I only stopped when I was outside my home room took a couple of deep breath and entered my home room I was not ready to see a boy standing up in forint of the class all eyes turned to me.

"How nice of you to join us miss l/n" Mr shin our home room teacher said dryly. I smiled sweetly and went to sit down next to Akira finally looking at the boy on the front my fist thought was Damn!!
"As I was saying before miss l/n graced us with her presence" I saluted mr shins she said he ignored me."this is Riku Yagami he will be going here from today until graduation." Riku was hot I didn't mean average I meant god like hot he had jaw length golden brown hair and amber eyes. He could be a young Zeus
"So who would like to show mr Yagami around ever single girls hand went up in the room apart from mine and Akira's.
"Miss Niko" I herd a burst of laughter from Akira. Oh no not this again.

"Good luck new guy" Akira said loudly. I sank my head onto our table this was going to be fun I thought sarcastically

"What that support to mean." Yuki yelled over my head to Akira.

"It means you sink your talons into every guy who come near you when all they want from you is help with homework." Akira declared

"Well at least I don't sleep with every guy in the school and am only good for sex and isn't friends with psycho bitch." She screamed standing up

"can you guys shut up" I said getting up as people from the classroom nearest us where crowed around the door wanted to see a fight.
"Yuki I know your mad that Akira slept with Rem but he told her he had already broken up with you so it's his fault no ours, know we have to go to maths lets go Akira I said pulling her with me to maths.

*time skip to lunch*
(Riku's POV)

The girl who was showing me around had basically attached herself to my left arm in was annoying but I didn't want to waste my breath on her she wasn't worth it. She dragged me up to the roof explaining that most people eat on the she sat me down with her friends who were circling me like vultures they all looked the same dark long hair and faces covered in stupid makeup . Form the corner I could se the redhead and the h/c girl from this morning who had an argument again the girl with the h/c hair and e/c eyes was beautiful I knew that for the moment she walked in and when the girl I was sat near know insulted her I want to kill her. I felt something for the girl with sparkling e/c eyes something strong like so kind of longing to wrap her up in my arms and never let go. As I watched her I saw a small blond come up and tell her something she suddenly became shocked and bolted from the roof.

Yandere x reader, My sadistic princesWhere stories live. Discover now