Lex and Ruki

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*time skip (y/n POV)
"I think Yuki wants my head on a spike" I complained to Nova as I met him outside his homeroom and started walking with him and Lex to chemistry.

"Well the new kid Ruki did run up to you and then you did ask if he wanted to escape from medusa" Nova replied

"Guys I'm so lost who is Yuki" Lex asked looking at us with a confused look on his face. I looked to Nova with a smirk I saw he also had a matching smirk.

"You know medusa, women who had ugly snake hair?" I said as the three of entered the chemistry labs and Lex joined me and Nova at our table.

"Yeah I've herd of her" Lex told us probably more confused then before.

"Ok imagine that she has claws and if any get near she she hold on and never lets go. That my friend is Yuki only worse because she's rich and is in high school." I said looking at Lex intently.

"Y/n we're all rich we go to a private academy every here is either rich like you and me are smart like...., like...., fuck I don't know we don't hang out with smart people" Nova told Lex as the teacher came in.

"She sounds like hoot (a/n pls don't hate me for saying hoot.)" Lex said sarcastically.

"So rich or smart or both" I asked in a whisper as the class quietly go on with  there work.

"My parents aren't rich and I'm not smart however my parents are they work for a charity doing surgeries in 3rd world countries. So my uncle took me in and pays for a my place here." Lex explained. I looked at him for a couple of seconds his uncle took him in like mine did huh. I thought to myself.

*time skip to lunch (normal POV)*

Ruki was waiting outside his room that he shared with his y/n. He was tapping his foot thinking back to the male she was with that morning. Who was he? That question had been distracting him all morning.

"Ruki yo earth to Ruki?" Said a light voice sunddenly Ruki snapped out of his trance to see a pair of e/c eye stair back into his y/n was only a couple of inches away from his face and was peering at his face with consern

"You ok you mumbling about something?" She said still very close a blush started to rise on Ruki face turning it scarlet from the close contacts with the girl.

"No I'm ok I'm fine better then fine now I get to spend lunch with you." He said. The girl cocked her head to the left slightly confused. Then smiled

"I guess even spend lunch with some like me is better then spending it with Yuki right?" She said grabbing Ruki'a hand And pulling him to the roof

(A/n I'm trying to make the chapters longer)

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