I guess disfuctional is in my blood

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*y/n POV*
I let the hot water pound down on my back the same way my heart was pounding inside my chest. I thought I would be over what happened with my dad it was ten years ago I'm stronger, wiser now. However when Lex yelled at me I was back to be the small 7 year old that had a beer bottle thrown at me and being called useless, worthless and a nothing. I realised that the water running down my face at this point wasn't from the shower but tears from my eyes. I sat down in the shower and cried until the water turned from hot to cold. I pulled myself out of the shower and wrapped a warm fluffy charcoal grey towel the reached mid thigh around me. As I exited my en-suit bathroom I herd a knock at my bedroom door.
Who is it?" I asked through the door. I herd a quiet sound that almost sounded like a wounded animal.

"It me Princess" Lex answer in a quiet miserable voice. I let out a sigh as I leaned against the door.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked through the door.

" let me in princess please. I want... I need to talk to you." As he finished a herd a little thump no doubt he was leaning he forehead against the door. I didn't know what to do should I open the door it could mean getting hurt again or keep it close and lose someone I have strong feelings for.

*Lex's POV*

She wasn't going open the door I shouldn't have been surprised I yelled at her and made her cry what girl in their right mind would open the door to me.
"Princess." I mumble while my forehead still lent against the door. I herd a soft creak as the door started to open. There stood behind it in a grey towel was y/n her whole body was wet she must just of gotten out of the shower I could imagine he perfect body with water running down it in small rivers. No Lex focus, focus.
"Hi" I said to my princess.

"Come in if you must." she said as she walked to her bed and sat down.

"Thanks" I said as I closed the door behind me.

*y/n POV*
I would be lying if I said the closed door didn't scare me slightly. Just as Lex sitting next to me on the bed did.
"I'm so sorry princess I never meant to yell I can never be mad at you I was just jealous because Ruki got you first and that means you chose him over me I guess. But I promise you princess that is my problem and I am so sorry I made you sad and cry. I would never intentionally make you sad I love you." Lex told me in a rush.

" I think the reason I reacted the way I did was because of my father." I said slowly more to myself more then Lex.  I could feel Lex's green eyes on me.
"My mother passed away when I was five, she was hit by a drunk driver. My father loved my mother so much apparently I look a lot like her. Anyway because my father lost the love of his life he started to drink and when he was drunk he emotional abused me saying I was stupid, worthless, nothing. That was bad. But other times he would think I was my mum that was worse showering my with verbal love then the next hour call me a waste of space. After that if people get angry with me I feel like every good thing they have ever said to me was lies." I said I had finally gotten what my father had done to me off my chest.
"Two years after my mother died my father had drank him self into an early grave and I was a orphan." I told Lex finally meeting his eyes. I could see his clear green eyes were  misty with unshed tears for me.

" Princess..., I'm so sorry you had to go through that alone I wish I could have been there with you. I wish I could have protected you like a real knight in shining armour should have. I'm so sorry Princess." He said said quickly grabbed me and hugging me. I tensed at the start but then relaxed after that as the tears I had for my father and what he put me through came poring out after ten years of keeping it bottled up.

"I'm going to get you wet" I mumble into Lex's chest.

"I really don't mind princess." He said I felt like he was smirking.
"However I have a question if I was the one who stayed with you in the morning would you have my love bites all over you rather then Ruki's?" Lex asked me as he broke the hug. He pulled my h/c h/l to the left side as he started to nibble on my red ears.
"It's looks like some is embarrassed or are the ashamed that they like a slightly sadistic side of me." He asked as he bit my collar bone. I moaned in the pleasure the little bites he was giving me was making the times he kissed me as the more pleasurable.
"Do you want me to stop?" Lex whispered into my ear.

"No please don't" I breathed out.

"As you wish." He said as he carried bringing pleasure to my body.

Yandere x reader, My sadistic princesWhere stories live. Discover now