Daling your driving me crazy

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*y/n POV*
Lex couldn't be serious but yet again there was no way he was joking, Ruki and Lex were both as bad and psychotic as each. However escaping one would be easier then escaping both surely. I feel backwards on my bed at least Lex had left my lead on in my bedroom so I could move around my room a little bit more freely. What Lex said kept replaying in my head as did Ruki when I first met him and when he first locked me in here. Switching between the sweet stuttering boy to the man who confessed to killing my ex and a class mate not to mention threatened my freinds life and could possibly at one point kill me if I didn't submit. My brain hurt. A soft knock came from my door. Did that mean that Ruki was back I checked the clock that was on my wall it was already six.

"Y/n I need to talk to you about something serious." He said through the door. My first thought was who did he kill this time or what did he do to my friends.

"Ok," I said softly. I needed to know what he did. He walked in still dressed in his school uniform minuses the tie. He came at sat in front of with with he legs crossed.

"Run away with me!" Ruki said in a rush.

"What?" I asked blinking ng a couple of time in quick succession.

"Darling I want you to run away with me so we can be together forever just like you wanted (a/n just let me heal him. (Sorry))" Ruki said clutching my hands in his. Ok this was happening. There was no way this was actually happening. I tried to o pinch my self undetected by Ruki it worked until I let out a small curse.

"Fuck that hurt definitely not dreaming." I whispered.

"I knew you dreamed of us being together" Ruki said wistfully.

"More like a nightmare." I muttered if Ruki herd me he ignored me.
"Ruki I need some time to think" 'of a way out of this' I added the last part silently. Ruki nodded his head and left the room. So I had two choices. Escape from Ruki or escape from Lex great choice.  One had Ruki was obviously more psychotic but he knew what he was doing whereas Lex didn't understand that what he was doing was psychotic and wrong.
"Ahhhhh fuck!" I screamed into the bed covers there really was no best option here, I kind of wished I had seen who the father of my dream daughter was then maybe I would have an idea of who to pick. What was I even thinking, like choosing between Lex and Ruki was any kind of choice. In this moment I thought back to my first kiss with both of the boys and which one I felt most passion for. It's true that when I found Lex in my room that morning and the way he made me feeI  I didn't (choice B, completely )want him to stop. However the same was said for the morning me and Ruki skipped school. God why was it never this hard in anime there was always a clear childhood friends, demon queen, little (adopted) sister or knight. Unfortunately I had to choose between two sadistic princes, I guess i really was a masochist. I was brought out of my thoughts by a gun shot being fired in the hallway to my room. I then heard psychotic laughter

"You think a gun or a little bullet will keep me away from my princess." Lex yelled at Ruki.

"It will if the bullet lands in your heart." Ruki replied followed by another gun shot. I ran to the door and ran my side into the door hoping it would weaken and break. Well that's what I tried to door Lex however shorted the chain so it wouldn't reach to the door of my room. I kept pulling on the chain as more insult, gun fire and from what I herd through the my door possibly a knife were thrown around. After ten minutes of this I was exhausted and there was no way the chain would break.

"LEX! RUKI! STOP! Please stop." I cried out as tears streamed down my face. I herd silence from the other side off the door, they herd me and they stopped. I quickly ran back to my bed and hid my whole body under the sheets. I didn't want anybody to see me right now especially when I looked like this. I herd a knock at my door.

"No I don't want to talk to people who use guns and knife to solve issues." I told them though I don't know if they understood that through the scarlet duvet.

"We're sorry" Lex said through the door. It was like that time he told me he was sorry for yelling at me after we went swimming. I didn't hear anything from Ruki did that mean he was sorry or not. I herd a crash and Lex's surprised voice.

"Please darling you can't keep doing this to me I feel like I'm going insane you have to choose one of use please." Ruki said throwing off the covers exposing me. he looked insane his eyes were blood shot and his hair was dishavled he was unhinged. I didn't want to make it worse.

"Ok I choose...."

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