The dream

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   After my conversation with Toma I decided a nap would be a good idea, after all I wanted to try to go to school tomorrow. I know it had only been one day but still I felt if I didn't go back to school fast there would be nothing to go back too. Before my nap I decided to put out my school uniform trying to convince myself I wanted to go back to school, like that was going to happen. I quickly got changed into a long T-shirt with the fairy tail Symbol on it and a pair of dark blue sleep shorts. I lied down in the bed looking up at the sky blue ceiling. I lay there for about ten minutes I couldn't get to sleep.

"F*ck it" I said getting up if I had my phone I would scroll through instergram till I got bored but now I didn't have it. I never knew how much I loved my phone until it was gone I wasn't obsessed and dependent on it but I did miss it. I decided to paint my nails then instantly scrap that idea because 1) they would just chip as soon as I did them (a/n the struggle is real) and 2) I didn't have any polish with me. I flopped down on my bed again and flung my arm over my eyes. I thought my body would have been in overdrive with every thing that had happened today. So why wasn't I sleeping.

*Lex's POV*
   I caresses my princess face through the monitor i set up in her room whilst she tossed and turned she was having trouble resting. I wanted to go to her but I didn't know how I would explain my knowledge of her having trouble resting. I turned to the next monitor and started my next objected getting rid of a certain red head.

    The room was a lot darker after I closed the curtains and turned of the lights I closed my eyes. Hopefully this time I would have more success in trying to go to sleep. my eyelids where growing heavy as my breather started to slow. As the sand man created I nice dream for me.

*Ruki POV*
   I finished the last note. I really hoped Y/n liked her song I wrote it just for her my darling. I leaned back remembering when she said I had a beautiful voice. My mother just say that, she also said one day I would meet to perfect woman and when I do I must not let her go.
"I promise y/n I will not let you go."

*Y/N dream*
    I looked around I was in a big bedroom like massive there was a kind sized dark maroon four poster bed, with a mahogany closet opposite the bed. Next to the wardrobe there was a black changing screen decorated with deep red roses. Where the hell was I? There were two doors in the room one to the left of the bed one to the right. I chose to go the left one first. Ah the bath room, it was all steel and grey quite beautiful really. There was huge floor length mirror to my left I walked over to it. What the hell! I looked at myself closely my face looked the same well apart from hair being lightly longer but the crazy thing was my stomach I was pregnant. Never ever in my life had I thought this about having kids. I would not be a good parent ok I had serious attachment issues
I might not have actually written the psychology paper on child development that doesn't mean I didn't research it.

"Babe?" I herd a voice calling me. There came a knock from the bedroom door. 'babe' so this must be the father of this child or at lest someone I am dating.
"Babe can I come in?" The mystery guy asked.

"Ummm wait a sec." I told him what the hell was I supposed to do.
"I'm sorry kid you shouldn't have me for a mother I will screw you up." I told my stomach as I searched for a way to wake up this was a dream of course and I did not what to see who was through that door. Wait what why was I thinking this the only people I can think of being through that door was either Lex or Ruki. Why did that thought over take my body with fear.

"I'm coming in now." The voice said. As the door was being opened

"No." I screamed. I sat up suddenly coved in cold sweat my hand instantly flew to my stomach. Thank god no bump. What was that? I laid back on my bed. I turned over. It was already six in the morning wow that was a long nap. Got up and got dressed in my school uniform and packed my school bag with what I needed. I silently opened my door. The house was quite the boys must still be a sleep perfect I could make breakfast and lunch for them. To thank them for taking care of me.

    I started to make waffles lucky for me Ruki and Lex have a waffle toaster. I quickly made the batter then left in on the side so the boys could have fresh waffles and started on their lunches. I hoped the boys liked marocan spiced lamb. I herd the sound of a door opening a closing up stairs a second later I herd it again Lex and Ruki would be awake now. I have looked at the clock it was 7:00, so that made sense I poured the waffle mixture into the toaster.

"What's this." Lex said behind me as he slid his hand around my waist and nibbled my left ear playfully.
"I thought we were going to have a me and you day." He added as his teeth tugged on my ear.

"Shit I forgot, I'm sorry." I said spinning round to face him.
"How can I make it up to you?" I asked him placing my hand in his chest

"I have a few... suggestions." He smirked. I looked at him to continue.
"They involve you in a Maids costume." He elaborated, then laughed at my reddened face.
"Your adorable." He said pecking my in my cheek.

Yandere x reader, My sadistic princesWhere stories live. Discover now