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I met Lex in the park where I asked both the boys to meet me. I had my black suitcase with a white rose pattern etched onto it I could also see the scratch that got on this suitcase when Toma dropped down the stairs when we were going to Italy on a school trip, by my feet. I also had a midnight blue duffle bag with the constellations  slung over my shoulder. I noticed Lex was alone.

"Hey beautiful" Lex said walking up to me and kissing my forehead. I love dating a guy who's taller then me. He tucked some of the hair out of my face then gave me a soft kiss in the lips I was glad that the park was empty so there was no chance a class mate could see us.

"Where's you partner in crime?" I asked as Lex took my duffle bad and slung it over his right shoulder and started to wheel my suitcase with his right hand. He intwined his left fingers with mine.

"Getting food for tonight we thought we could make pizzas for you but be warned we not very good at it." His face slightly flushed in embarrassment.

"can I help I love cooking it'll be really fun with you guys come on please say yes." I begged. Lex stopped and turned to me.

"Princess I don't know how many times I have to say this but I will do anything for you. I love you, so off course you can help us. You can do anything you want just don't leave us ok." Lex said in a light tone though his eyes had gone a shade or two darker. I smiled at Lex. As we walked I lent my head on his shoulder

"Don't worry I won't leave you and Ruki." I said.

*Ruki POV*

I cleaned the blood of my hands. It wasn't very hard to 'convince' the guards on duty I was doing extra credit at a catholic high school, and that my extra credit was asking if some Juvenal delinquents had any sins to confess. After all the fake credentials I had were good I really should thanks my older cousin and his scetchy friends. When I entered the visiting area I saw him, the scum that dared to touch my darling y/n it took everything I had to not kill him there but I needed to be clean with this this I couldn't allow my darling to be scared of me too. I threatened another inmate he was in for some hacking charge he was skinny and covered in spots he would break easily. I little threat to his family here a few spillage of blood there and he was ready to kill that monster. Anyway now that I cleaned my hands it was time to go grocery shopping and then I'll get to see my y/n again don't worry y/n I've slain the big bad evil monster for you my love.

*time skip y/n POV*

As soon as Ruki opened the door to the boys amazing house I ran from the couch that I had been on with Lex and threw myself at Ruki to see what he bought for the pizzas. He caught me before I fell

"Hey" he laughed and me I gave him a massive smile

"Hi!" I said and kissed his cheek as Lex walked out of the lounge.

"What took you so long." Lex asked his friend as we brought the shopping into the kitchen and started to unpack well the boys unpacked I didn't know where anything was so I just watched the two amazing boys who loved me and asked myself what did I do to be this lucky, maybe Kama was finally kicking in.

"You forgot to text me what y/n wanted in her pizza so I didn't know what she wanted." Ruki said facing the fridge. He tuned around and gave me a stunning beautiful smile.
"Sorry if I didn't get you anything you wanted."I quickly surveyed what they bought.

"You got olives, pepperoni, jalapeños and peppers" so I'm good I said smiling back up to the musical prodigy.
"I have a question can you really play the piano?" I asked Ruki as he got the ingredients out for the flour.

"Yeah ever since I was five, I'll give you a private concert later if you want." He said winking

"We're sharing her Ruki remember." Lex said pulling me up to help with the dough.

"I know." He replied grumpily
"but you got to pick her up" he silently sulked.  I tried to diffuse the argument that could possibly start.

"Thank you guys again for letting me stay you guys are my heroes" I said giving them a warm smile. They both grinned back.

After we had mixed the dough we started to kneed it. I was not good at baking, cooking I can do. Baking however I couldn't and I was terrible at kneedding. Lex sailed up behind me and was about to help me when a black ball of fur launched itself at his back.

"God damn Nico" Lex yelled as he pulled the black cat off his back. I was speechless the cat was adorable.

"You guys have a cat I love cats but was never allowed to have one because Tomas allergic.
"Hello gorgeous" I said sweetly to the cat.
"Who named her I asked."

"Ruki did." Lex said touching the claw marks she left.

"Obviously she knew you were being sneaking Lex" Ruki said picking Nico up do I could scratch her belly. I stared cooing at the beautiful kitten. If nothing else living with these boys was going to be interesting.

(A/N guys big news I have just gotten a full time job so some of the updates might be I bit late, but I will still try to upload weekly.)

Yandere x reader, My sadistic princesWhere stories live. Discover now