My darling

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*Ruki's bad ending*

"Ok I choose Lex" I said I could escape Lex easier then Ruki.

"I knew you loved me princess." Lex said hugging me tightly.

"No." Ruki whispered.
"No, no no no no. NO!" He yelled pointing the gun at me and Lex.
"You don't understand y/n I'm the only choice. I didn't want to be the kind of guy who says if I can't have you no-one can." He said. Lex stepped in front of me

"Ruki think about what your doing."
Lex told him calmly i didn't know what to do. But I didn't want to be stuck with Ruki he would kill me without a second thought if I even looked at another man. Lex on the other hand would kill him. I wanted to live and because of that I couldn't let Lex die.

"Ruki don't do this for me please don't do this." I asked steeping forward slightly. Lex grabbed my hand.

"Don't you understand darling I'm doing this for you." Ruki told me pointing the gun at my heart now. I looked into his eyes he wouldn't kill me. Well I was praying he wouldn't. He put the gun down. I let out a deep sigh.

"You did the right thing man" Lex said pulling me with him.

"Not yet." Ruki whispered behind us as a gun shot rang through the house. Lex fell to the floor a hole in his stomach.

"NO! LEX PLEASE STAY WITH ME DON'T DIE" I screamed at him tears flowing down my face. They didn't deserve to die yes he was psychotic but still he was so young he could have been helped.

"Like I said before darling I'm your only choice. So darling who do you choose me are death darling pick wisely." Ruki said. Lex was fading away there was so much blood he would only last a couple more seconds. I lent down to him and placed a sold kiss in his lips.

"At one point Lex I did fall in love with you and part of me still does love you." I told him he smiled up at me as the light left his eyes and he died in my arms a tear landed on his cheek. As I closed his green eyes.
"If you think I would chose you after my own death you are insane kill me now so I can join Lex at least give me that." I told Ruki with venom.

"So even now after he's dead you still CHOOSE HIM OVER ME!" Ruki yelled lunging at me and closing his hand around my neck whist his other one points his gun to me head. I looked dead in his eyes wanting him to pull the trigger he should kill me I wanted him to kill me I had no freedom and I never would. I closed my eyes. I herd a gun shot and then there was nothing.

*Ruki POV*
"Hey babe sorry I was gone so long but I need to work hard to keep buying nice thing for my darling" I told y/n as I stroked her cold pale cheek. Even in death she was breathtaking. I brushed her silky hair humming to her. I looked her over even though I couldn't ask my darling what she wanted to wear I think I chose the right outfits today it was a dark purple and maroon Lolita dress and a matching head ornament. I sowed her eyes open so I could always look at her beautiful hazel eyes. I also pulled her mouth into her graceful smile.
" I love you my darling you prince loves you y/n"

Yandere x reader, My sadistic princesWhere stories live. Discover now