Bye bye Toma

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"Remember you can't say anything ok" I looked to both Lex and Ruki they nodded vigorously, even though the look and their faces they were incredibly happy. I let out a small sigh as I opened the door to the roof as we joined our friends.

"Hey where were you guys?" Akira asked looking at us accusingly. I rolled my eyes

"Relax Kira" I was dragging Ruki around to all the club rooms because he hasn't joined any clubs yet and he should and Lex wanted to tag on so he did. I would have invited you but your  'extracurricular activities' kinda of make it hard for you to have spare time" I replied grinning at her. She flipped her hair

" looking this good is sometime a curse" she told us I sat down between Ruki and Lex across from Toma he gave a pointed look I tried to ignore it, what should I tell Toma?

"So Ruki decided what club to join?" Nova asked, I looked at Ruki praying for him to just choose a decent one.

"Well I would love to choose swimming but I'm not athletic but I thought music I can sing and play the piano pretty well" said shrugging slightly.

"Really that awesome" Lilly said excitedly she started to say something but I was distracted by Toma pulling at his phone his face turned serious as he answered.

"What do you want I'm eating" he said the the person of the other end.
" sorry, dearest father can help you with something" he said the word father as it was something disgusting He looked over at me
" yeah she's here." Silence a bit more now every one was looking at this one way conversation with Toma.
"Why? Fine fine god I'm going I'm going" he said leaving the roof for a second I watching him go.

"This is bad real bad." I said
"Toma father never calls him at school never ." I explained stressing the last word. I was worrying there is no were Toma father was just call to check up on his son he didn't care that much and it was bit ecsessive if he was just calling to ask if Toma has a bride so why was he calling him. I didn't eat I couldn't.

"Princess it's going to be fine" Lex whispered to me whist everyone else was talking to each other.
"I'm here and I won't let you get hurt ever again I swear on my life". His eye were so beautiful and green I felt like I was falling for him more and more.

"Y/n I need to talk to you for a second that ok?" Toma said as he popped his head out of the door. This was not helping my nerves Lex gave my hand a quick squeeze I silently thanked him for it.

"Ok." I said getting up. I walking towards Toma as he lead me to an enclosed space where no one could see us he pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm so so sorry y/n" he whispers to me." I just looked at him and blinked
"I'm transferring school father is making me and he wants you to stay here. Y/n I wish I could stay or take you with me out I can't I love you. I'm so sorry." He said as his eye misted up tears threatening to spill. My face was already tear stained no this couldn't be happening I could lose my cousin too. I can't live in that house by myself.

"Toma No! Please don't go don't leave me too." I said crying onto his chest while beating it with my fist
"No! No! No I won't let you" I said again and again repeating it.

"I love you y/n I need to go home and pack my flight is this evening" Toma said not looking at me.

"No Toma don't you dare leave me you can't do this to me, where the hell am I supposed to stay, you know Lilly's mum hates me and Novas dad just want me to fuck his son. Akira brother is a pervert that only leaves..." I trailed off.

"Exactly so stay with the boy you love. You know I don't want to go but I have to I love you" he said one last time hugging me.

"No." I mumble against his chest once again. He pulled away as he started the run back home. My life was finally going ok for once then my uncle had to come and ruin it why? I walked back up to roof I was all ready missing Toma.

"Toma is leaving school he's being transferred." I said trying really hard to not cry in front of all my freinds before I could finish Nova had pulled me into a bone crushing hug and told me it was all going to be ok. Akira and Lilly looked at each other shell shocked as they engulfed me in a group hug Ruki and Lex did the same. I finally stopped crying, and ended up hiccuping.

"You should go to the nurses office you don't need to go to classes right now either go to nurses office or go home."

"Home." I said in a sad quiet voice. I should pack. I can't stay in that house alone. I can't sleep when no-ones around me Toma's father knows that but does he care, no doesn't surprise me to be honest. The bell rang Toma gave me a swift hug and started down the stairs with Akira and Lilly before Ruki and Lex could follow behind them I grabbed onto their shirts making them stop

"Y/n ?" Ruki asked me

"Can I stay with you for a while" I said to the floor.
"Please let me live with you." I said looking up with tears in my eyes.

"Like you even need to ask princess." Lex said pulling me into a hug and kissing me on my forehead.

"Thank you." I said hugging him back.
"I'll meet you in the park after school." I explained running home to go pack.

*Lex and Ruki's POV*

We looked at each other this was perfect we had already decided that Toma might cause a problem between y/n and us. He would poison her pure, sweet beautiful mind with dirty dirty lies. But now our princess was going to be living in the palace with her knights in shining armour we just had to make sure the evil wizard could get near her ever again I think we need to pay the monster that violated our y/n a visit. Don't worry y/n will make that the only thing you need is us we swear on our lives.

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