My princess

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Lexs bad ending

"I choose Ruki" I mumbled if he got angry they was no telling what he would do, not to mention he did get revenge for me i didn't want to choose either of them but if I had to it would be Ruki.

"Princess, he's going to kill you don't you understand that" Lex walked over to me before Ruki managed to get the chain of me. Every step he took forward I took one back I could see the knife in his hand.

"You said you wouldn't hurt me." I whispered as my bad touched the wall. I saw a twisted, sick smirk make way in to Lex's face while his pupil Miosis (went small the opposite of dilated)

"Don't worry princess I would never harm you" he said reaching out and caressing my cheek while I tried to not cry. He turned his back on me and fixed his eyes onto Ruki. Ruki raised his gun and pointed it at Lex, I herd a shot fire and on instinct closed my eyes when I herd another twisted laugh I opened them Lex was perfectly fine.

"No way" I muttered under my breath did he deflect that bullet with his knife. He walked closed to Ruki as he still fired more bullets out when Lex was only a foot away from him Ruki ran out of bullets. It felt like my heart was in my stomach. I saw Lex lunge at Ruki, and to me I saw Lex's knife plungeinto Ruki's gut then go for his neck as the blood splattered onto Lex in slow motion. However he didn't stop there as he carved out Ruki's heart, liver and kidney. I finally felt my legs fail me. The air was filled with the taste and smell of iron. I turned and threw up the mangled dead body of Ruki was to much.

"Oh princess I'm sorry you had to see that." Lex said as he dropped the knife and came closer to me he crouched down to my side and pressed his fingers agianst my lip staining them with Ruki's blood I could move I was frozen. This couldn't been happening I was talking to him less then two minutes ago and now he was spread out on tHe crimson carpet his blood making it more scarlet.
I didn't realise I was crying until I felt the first one fall on to my chest.
"Princess why are crying" Lex asked me cocking his head to the side. I couldn't answer I just kept ,staring at the dead body at Ruki. Lex roughly grasped my chin and turned my head so I was looking into his glazed over green eyes.
"Look at me princess." He hissed his grip was to tight I was surprised my jaw wasn't broken.

*6 months later*

This was it the day I was going to end it all I would never be free of him he would always be there everyday he came back in other blood, I was scared to ask who's. The first time he cooked I knew it was right it wasn't till the third meal he forced me to eat when I realised he was feeding ,me human flesh (this idea comes from @lonerAuthor) I had finally managed to convince one of the maids to get me a knife after 5 mounts she agreed this was know what I was holding in my hands. I wonder how it would feel plunging this into my gut or maybe my heart would it be like when Lex murdered Ruki. I herd the front door open and then slam close.

"Princess your handsome princes has returned I hope you weren't to lonely with out me." I didn't reply. I hadn't spoken for a mouth know there was no point. I herd his footsteps race upstairs in excitement to see his 'darling princess' I pointed the knife towards my stomach. My hands were shaking, No I told myself sternly this was the only way y/n don't back down now.
"Princess....."Lex bust in but stoped when he saw me with the knife.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING" he said running to me trying the grab the knife but he was too late I had already plunged it into my gut the pain was unimaginable as was the feel of the blood gushing out of me.
"NO! Princess you can't leave me" he said grabbing me. It was too late I thought to myself I was draining away I could feel my life force fading it was particularly feeling and then there was nothing.

*Lexs POV*
Her face was so beautiful I caressed the screen where her face was when she said she loved me as I looked around the room and saw a million of y/n looking back at me. I looked through the files on my desk. None of these women could match up to y/n but I could mold them into her I would mold them Into her they didn't have a choice.

(Awww my poor Lex)

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