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*B stop*
"S-stop, Lex I don't want this." I said. I saw Lex's face going angry, was he going to hurt me I wasn't sure. I closed my eye tightly as a single tear escaped  I felt Lex brush it away I opened my eyes slightly.

"It's ok princess I won't do anything untill your ready." I stared at him. I couldn't get my head around that this guy was a yandere he changed so fast going from sweet and caring, to passionate and rough, then scary and violent. Lex stared in my eyes as I stared into his. Until I herd a knock at the door.

"Darling are you ok" Ruki voice came through the door. I scowled at the door. Why couldn't Lex knock on the door he had to break in. I turned my scowl to Lex.

"She's fine Ruki." Lex answered for me, my scowl turned into a glare as I went to slap Lex he caught my hand and kissed my palm I wiped my hand on the red sheets of the bed as Ruki bursted into the room angry.

"Lex." He growled at Lex. If these two boys fought I did not want to get in between them. I backed away to the bed post. I suddenly realised I really need the toilet. That was when I realised what the attachable chain was for.

"Um," I stared to say something. When both boys head shot to me.
"I kinda need to use the bathroom." I said quietly. Ruki quickly attached the chain to my hand cuff which was then removed from the bed post. I stared at him the whole time. It suddenly hit me that I was terrified, and what's worse is I had no-one I had pushed Akira and Lilly away, while Lex and Ruki had teen care of Nova. I was glad that Toma had gone now I didn't want him getting hurt too. I quickly made my way to the bathroom room there was a small gap between the door and the door frame for the chain to go. I didn't care, this was going to be my life now living in constant fear of Lex and Ruki never being free. No y/n snap out of it. I Told myself splashing cold water on my face. They were still there I could hear them whispered yelling. I looked at my face in the mirror I didn't look that much different I mean I was more paler but that was really the only difference apart from my eyes. They were huge like I was in permanent in shock to be honest it wasn't that far from the truth. I always thought my eyes were a vibrant e/c, but now they were dead, dull, void of any emotion. Lex and Ruki had gone quiet, this put me on high alert.
I stared out of the crack they were still there. I opened the door slowly knowing they were going to attach we to the bed posts again.

"We have to darling I know you don't like it but it's keep you safe." Ruki said his golden eyes meeting mine. I held back my internal comment how having me chained up put me In a vunrable position besides I could look after myself. Ruki undid the chain and quickly handcuffed me to the bed. If this was a movie the audience would with be yelling at me to run or think I was biding my time for the best time to escape, they would both be wrong I just didn't care any more. Lex and Ruki had driven everyone away and killed two people. They were never going to let me go after all, I did make them promise. Lex lent to caress my cheek but when he saw my flinch back he lowed his hand.

"What happened princess you never used to back away from us." He said hurt.

"Yeah well back then I didn't think you were murdering psychopaths so you understand how I would rather you not touch me." I told them venomously.
" please just leave me alone I would rather think about the rest of my pitiful life in this room alone." I said collapsing face down in the bed however the chain made so I had the lie with my left hand and arm three inches off the bed. It was silent for a couple of moments then I heard Lex a Ruki both get off the bed and close the door and lock It behind them. I turned over in me side so I was slightly more comfortable and tried to sleep. I was doubtful that it was going to happen.

Yandere x reader, My sadistic princesWhere stories live. Discover now