Packing up

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"Are you all set for tomorrow baby?"

"Almost mom, just double checking."

(Y/n) is a beautiful 18 year old getting ready for summer camp to spend the week at. She has shining (h/c) hair, sparking (e/c) eyes, glowing skin, beautiful smile, hourglass shaped body, and a great personality.

"Okay mom I'm done!"

"Okay honey come down here, I'm gonna go to work!"

So (y/n) leaves her open bag on her bed and runs down stairs. The only people that lives in this two story house is just her and mom. (Y/n)'s dad has been a lier and a cheater during (y/n)'s youth. So mom divorced him and she left to New Jersey w/ her little girl. Mom explain everything to (y/n) when she's 17. (that is an appropriate age to understand this kind of stuff) And (y/n) was devastated to hear that about her dad, which most people wanted to have a powerful relationship with their fathers. But the important thing about that is she needs a parent to love her, and she has one.

As (y/n) make it downstairs, she sees her mom prepared for work.

"Okay honey there's food, make sure you clean after yourself, and get some sleep for tomorrow, and I'm sure you'll have a blast!"

"I hope so. Because it's a living hell being in school. I hope college isn't worse..."

"Don't worry, things will get better. Now lock up."

"Bye mom."

So she close and lock the front door, (y/n) runs back upstairs to her room to make a phone call. She calls her only bff, (f/n) about leaving for tomorrow. After dialing the number, she starts to answer.


"Hey (f/n), are you nervous?"

"No I'm excited! But a teeny tiny bit nervous. I mean I never been there before. Haven't you?"

"No. And they won't tell me what's the name of the place. But they did say it's a surprise. I hope it's not bad as school."

"(Y/n) how could you think summer camp could be as bad as school? There's no books, homework, trash foods, lockers, mean old fat teachers, and bitches! The outdoors is NOTHING like school."

"Its not those things, its just I hope I don't get picked on a lot like a few times before. Even though I appreciate you got my back." she smiles at the last part.

"Well somebody's gotta do something about it if I care about you sweet pea."

"Thanks. Well I'm gonna have some food and TV and I'll go to sleep."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, bye!"


So the (h/c) hair and (e/c) eye color girl hangs up, fix her bag, bed, and walks back downstairs. She makes her favorite food, turns on the TV to see her favorite show and spends an hour entertaining herself and doing a lot of thinking.

"Just hope things will be just fine as mom and (f/n) says. And I hope I have someone to love. A man with a big heart."
At night, camp crystal lake is gonna have another pack of teenagers and counselors coming. A hockey mask man is in his own custom made cabin sharpening his machete, getting ready for a few more victims to kill. After he's done, he walks out of his cabin and go to the lake to look at the view. He sits on the ground and starts to think about what happen to him when he's a boy.


A boy gets chases and push around by a bunch of kids, (pretty much like all of them) they grabs him and carries him to me lake while laughing and pointing fingers at him. The boy screams trying to make them to stop but they ignore him. When they're close to the lake they throw him into the lake and the boy end up drowning trying to call for help. It was mostly the counselors faults, they've been making out during their jobs. When the bullied boy's mother found out about what happened to her son, she killed all the counselors. But as soon she was about to get the last one, her head got chopped off.

*Flashback ends*

The hockey mask man takes off his mask and wipe off his tears, he start to have another flashback, but this time it's something that he hope what would happen when he grows up. He talks that about to his mom before going to camp.


"Mom? Do you think I would ever find true love? Like some beautiful girl would come to my life and love me for the way i am?"

"Of course Jason, I'm sure she'll treat you very well, and she'll never leave you. One day she'll come to you..."

*Flashback ends*

Jason sniffles and he miss his dearest mother too much. So he gets up from the ground and go to his cabin since he had a big day tomorrow.

Okay ladies that's chapter 1. How do you like it so far? Jason's waiting for you!

Reminder: None of these pics and vids that's insert in this story are mine. And I don't own Friday the 13th.

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