First Sight Of The Slasher

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(Y/n) was sleeping for about 20 minutes. Until...


She shots her body up to sit up as she got wide awake by someone screaming. (Y/n) throws her covers to the side, slip on some of her boots, and runs to the door and swings it open to see what's going on.

When she runs down the steps, she sees a tall man chopping somebody on the ground. (Y/n) also see all the other counselors heads chopped off, blood covering the logs and the dirt ground. They're dead. She gasp on horror, loud enough for the man to hear. He walks to (y/n) as she slowly backs up, so scared it's hard to move and to look away from the man.

When he walks close enough for (y/n) to see, she sees a 6'5 feet tall man with a hockey mask, green coat looks torn and worn out, black t-shirt under, big and muscular arms, black gloves, brown pants, and brown boots.

Before the man can go any closer to her, Brandon pops out of nowhere and surrounds the man's neck with his arms.

"Girls go to (y/n)'s cabin and lock the doors NOW!"

Taylor, Corrine, and (f/n) jumps out of their hiding spots in the shadows and runs to (y/n) with all scared.

"(y/n) you must take us to your cabin please!" Taylor begs.

"Okay! Okay! Follow me!" (y/n) studders as she leads them to her cabin. As soon they make their way to (y/n)'s cabin, they lock the doors, windows and close the curtains. (Y/n) is starting to wonder... How did this happen and when did it started?

"Girls? Before anything else happen, there's something I like to know... *Breaths in*... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!"

(F/n) started to explain while crying. "We were just drinking, dancing to the music, and trying to impress some boys. We were just having a good time until that giant hockey puck comes up out of nowhere and trying to split our throats open!"

(Y/n) is shocked about what her friend admit what they've been doing drinking, dancing, and trying to impress some boys? (F/n) knows better than that, now she has changed. (Y/n) is now starting to get mad.

"Are you kidding me? I remember you said you would NEVER drink! You better not be shaking that booty since you said you've been 'dancing' and trying to hit on guys? Right now I'm sick of it!"

"Sick of what?" (f/n) knows what she's talking about. She's just playing dumb.

"You know what I mean! You haven't been hanging out with me lately, you've been bragging trying to get a good looking guy, and start to be alcoholic?!?! Your fucking insane!"

"I'm sorry (y/n)! I can explain!"

"No! There's no excuse for that! Maybe that man is here to kill all of us for trespassing this place. Because this place looks condemned and abandoned! I wish I had a better friend than you!"

Before (f/n) could reply, a window behind Corrine bursts open, a hand covers her mouth and another hand with a machete and slit her throat. And blood starts to overflow to her shirt, and she falls to the floor. The bitch is dead. Now it's just (y/n), (f/n), and Taylor. They scream at the action and runs out of the cabin. They make their way to the bus to make their escape. Before they could go inside, the tires are missing and they didn't get extra pairs.

"SHIT! We're trapped!" Taylor shouted starting to get mad. They turn around to a sound of a twig got snapped, and it's the man running to them.

"Girls! Run to the woods and hide there, I'll take care of him!" But they shouted, "NO!" refusing her to do this alone. But she runs to the man and tackles him to the ground. (Y/n) and (f/n) runs to the woods like Taylor orders, after a minute of running as fast as they can, then they stop running to catch their breath.

"Chh chh chh ahh ahh ahh"

They get startled by the sound. (Y/n) backs up trying to find out what's that sound because it sounds like it's coming from behind her. "What was that?"

"I don't know... *Gasp!* (y/n)... Behind you...!"

The (h/c) turns around fast and it's the tall mask man. He pushes thru (y/n), raise up his machete, and charges to (f/n). (Y/n) grabs his arm before he can make his target.

"(F/N) RUN!" (y/n) shouted as her boy crazy friend runs for her life.

The man use his arm to push her and (y/n)'s head got the ground, hard. The world she sees starting to spin around and getting blurry. She blinks a few times trying to make them right. After a few blinks, (y/n) sees the hockey mask man staring at her. She tries to stand up so she can make a run for it, but he picks her up in bridal style and shushes her trying to calm her down while looking into her eyes.

(Y/n) stops squirming because by the look of his eyes staring at hers. Her heart beats, and ask "Who are you?" but no answer. (Y/n) yawns of exhaustion, lays her head on his shoulder, and say some last words.

"Please don't ever hurt me..."

He hugs her not too tight and takes her to his cabin. Yeah that's Jason Voorhees.

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