The Day At Paradise

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Jason and (y/n) walk out of the waterfall cave after their 'fun' and morning bathing, the sun is fully shining in the sky showing that it's mid morning. (Y/n) took a deep breath in, feeling the fresh air within. Jason basked in the warm sunshine, feeling goose bumps all over his body.
They come out with outfits they pick out for themselves.

They come out with outfits they pick out for themselves

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(y/n) (only the middle pic)

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(y/n) (only the middle pic)

"Wow Jason that's one heck of a morning bath, can this day get any better?" (y/n) sigh thinking about their fun while blushing as she holds her strong man's bare hand.

"Well love, I got that idea from those nasty teenagers who wants to have sex in my territory. When we have our first time, I never knew it would feel this good." Jason blush at what he just said as (y/n) giggles.

"Hehehehe! I never expect you could be 'excited' while I was in the shower! Let's not talk about this because why not we take a stroll into that forest over there?" (y/n) points out to the forest that's right next to the waterfall.

The two camp crystal lake killer couple soon began to stroll along into the forest. They've walked for a least almost an hour while they were still taking a stroll. The sun gleamed and shined in between the trees. There were songbirds flying by as they sang, a family of deer passing through to find grass and greens to eat, a group of four baby bunnies along with their mother hopping around near a bush where blossoms grew, and squirrels and chipmunks chippered as they harvest nuts and berries into their homes in the trees.

They soon walk further into the forest where there were cherry blossoms that bloomed all around. The blossoms from the petals fell gently from the early summer breeze to the warm soil.

While they walked through the blossoms showering them, Jason turned to look down at (y/n)'s beautiful face and smiled. The girl looks up to him as she started to blush and smiles back. During staring at her man, (y/n) feel something that's on her boot so she looks down, and there's a white bunny sniffing her.

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