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Song: Narnia- The battle song

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The government has an army of soldiers with helmets, gear on properly, and weapons ready to be used. The total of soldiers is going to try to destroy Jason are 10,000 men. Right now it's 3:50 in the morning and they're driving to camp by using M-ATV's and High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled vehicles. (HMMWV) The ones that are leading them is a very strict general who's in his 40s. When they stop at the gate, The general walks out of his (HMMWV) and make an announcement out loud with a bullhorn.

"Alright gentlemen! This is the camp that a lot of teenagers die at, and where the killer we will destroy. While half of you find Mr voorhees, the rest of you will destroy the camp! Are we clear?!"


So the army unlock the gate full of chains and signs and goes through the gate that's getting open.

As the army enters the camp, on top of this huge and tall hill is Jason and (y/n) upfront.

"Are you ready to this?" (y/n) says to Jason holding his hand.

"Yes. But I don't want you risking you life of getting hurt."

"But Jason I love you, I couldn't let you get hurt. That's one of the reasons why I come back in order of your mother."

Before Jason could answer back, he got interrupted by someone who came here.

"Well well well. If it isn't the killer who's been doing this shit for life."

(y/n) and Jason turns to the voice in front of them, it's the general who's giving them a wide creepy smile. The old general is about 5 feet away from them.

"I see the ugly ass killer has a true love that's so sweet." The general said sarcastically.

"Well sir." (y/n) begins. "Since your fucking government wants to destroy our territory, it's a war we're gonna give you."

"Oh yeah? You and what army?"

(y/n) takes out a viking blowing horn from her bag and blows it. The ground rumbles by heavy foot steps and there appears the slashers (y/n) and Jason knows. But there's more than just killers, there are monsters, boogeymen, ghosts, demons, ogres, gremlins, paranormal activity creature, vicious tigers, loins, and goblins. Jason and (y/n) puts on their masks snap their heads to the general with flames in their eyes and raise up their swords. There are 100,000 in total.

"Ready to fight?!" Jason shouts out and the army of horrific creatures shouts.

Since Jason and (y/n) Are in front, they run to the general as the others follow them. As soon the armies get together, the soldiers begin to use their guns to shoot the monster and goblins but end up getting into a fist fight. The tigers tackle some soldiers down and rips their flesh, and so does the lions. The monsters, goblins and ogres use their huge stabbing knifes to slice the soldiers skins. The gremlins take off the soldiers helmets and begins to use their long sharp nails to scratch their faces.

Jason and (y/n) are now in front of the general and he take out a shotgun and tries to shoot (y/n) but she jumps and make a back flip. Jason strikes his machete on the generals arm and make a huge deep cut on him. The hockey puck snatch the shotgun,  snap it in half, and throw a punch on his face making the general spit a tooth out with some blood. Jason and the general throws down their weapons and begin to fist fight.

During the fight of Jason and the general, (y/n) watches on horror, not wanting Jason to die in the hands of the old general as Jason gets more hitting and begins to get week. So she takes out a dagger, runs to the general and stabs him on the back, hard. He screams and falls on the ground.

(y/n) runs to Jason and they hug in protection. They run back to the hill and watches the fight as their friends follow.

"Are you guys okay?" (y/n) ask.

"Yeah. But there's soldiers are cowards by running away and there's some who are dying for fighting the others." Freddy said.

As the battle ranged on, the slashers including (y/n) watch the violent  action of their army fighting the government's army until the fight slowly stops for half an hour. When the battle finally finishes, an goblin, ogre, and a lion.

"The government's army is now destroyed." A male lion spoke. "And we saw a radio in one of the vehicles so we send a message to the government that Jason's dead so more people will come to die since you enjoy it."

"And we're beginning to confiscated the dead bodies and bring it with us while we leave." The ogre finish.

"Thank you." Jason said wrapping and arm around (y/n).

When (y/n) and the other slashers walks down the hill to help pick up the dead bodies, the general sneaks up behind them with a dagger he found and charge to (y/n).


Everyone including (y/n) turns around and stares in horror. Before (y/n) could get stabbed in her chest into the heart, mom jumps in (y/n)'s way out of nowhere and get stabbed instead.


The general's head is in the ogres huge hand thanks to him and his minions. Everyone even the army of horrific creatures make a circle around (y/n) holding her mom on the ground. (y/n) stares at mom trying to breath.

"Mom? Are you okay? Say something."

Mom forcefully opens her eyes and looks up to her daughter. "(y/n)... My baby. I did this to save you because I love you."

"Oh mom... I appreciate that. But I don't want you to risk your life to save mine."

"But honey... I'm your mother, *cough* and mothers will do anything for their children like Jason's mom kill to avenge him."

The morning sun rises. However, big dark clouds approaching and make the morning ugly.

"*cough* *cough* *cough* (y/n)... I think the time has come for me to go."

"No... No! No! Mom please don't leave me! First dad but not you! Please!..." (y/n)'s eyes begins to form tears as they quickly escapes.

"Don't worry (y/n). You have Jason. And he'll take care of you, right Jason?"

Jason walks up to (y/n)'s side and kneel down. "I will... I will never let her go because she's the woman I love." He takes off his mask and place it next to (y/n)'s mask.

"I know you will... (y/n)..." (y/n) leans close to her mom and listens to her last words. "I will always love you..." mom's eyes slowly closes, smile fades, and her breath escapes from her mouth.

(y/n) stares in sadness, begins to weep and holds mom's lifeless body tight and a storm starts by strong rain drops and loud thunder is heard. Jason holds (y/n) and her mother's dost and begins to cry also. The monsters goblins, and others in the army begins to quietly cry and face down to their feet and the storm gets worse as the wind blows harder.

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