Meet The Other Slashers

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And hour later after Jason left to do some killing, (y/n) is watching Ridiculousness. Until there's a knock on the door. So she picks up a sword, tip toe to the front door, and slowly opens it. (Y/n) slowly opens the door and it's Freddy Krueger raising up his custom made gloves that has knifes. Before he could make his strike, a good guy doll jumps onto Freddy's face.

"Freddy you dumb@$$! We told you over and over! We're here to see (y/n) NOT kill her!" That's chucky.

They're not alone. more killers are here, Michael Myers, Hannibal, Norman Bates, and Ghostface.

Chucky jumps off of Freddy's face and lands his little doll feet on the ground.

"Hey (y/n), Jason called us to let us know you're his woman. And ask us if we can pay you a visit. Freddy wants to come to kill you but we're not gonna let that happen."

(y/n) stood there looking confused because a stitch face doll is talking to her. But she waves it off. "Okay well then come in guys." So the killers walk in, on their way to the living room as (y/n) follows.

"So, why do you guys wanna see me since I'm with Jason?"

"Well Miss (l/n)" Hannibal said. "We know Mr voorhees very well and tell each other everything. A week ago he gave us contact saying that he has found the one. And we would like to get to know you." Hannibal finish with a smile.

"Oh well in that case that's fine with me." (y/n) said excitedly.

"We'll kill you after this!" Freddy said with laughter.

"FREDDY!" Everyone shouted.

Few Hours Later

The killers laugh along with (y/n) after she told them about an incident about a slutty cheerleader broke her leg trying to impress guys.

"Oh man! I never knew you could be so funny!" Ghostface laugh and slaps his leg.

"Yeah and while I was in school, some bitch comes out of nowhere and try to kiss me." Chucky said. "My wife, Tiffany whiteness the whole thing and tried to rip her hair out of her scalp!"

"Damn jealousy!" Freddy laughs.

"Honey I'm home!"

Everyone turn to the voice that's coming from the front door. (Y/n) jumps from the couch and runs to the voice that's belong to Jason.

"Hey sweetheart. How's the killing today? More crazy teens?"

Jason reply as he takes off his boots and dust them off on the welcome mat.

"Yeah. All of them are gay looking guys who just want to have their 'fun' here in the outdoors. I was disgusted."
Jason place his boots near the door and hugs (y/n). She hugs him back.

"Well at least you don't have to deal with them alone anymore. Why not the other slashers and I help you?"

"We love to but we can't miss (y/n)."

The killing couple turn around to Hannibal looking sad. "We actually have our own business to attend to. But we'll kill with you and Mr. voorhees one day."

"Well alright doctor. Thank you for giving (y/n) some company."

"The pleasure is ours. Lets move along gentleman." Hannibal calls as everyone walks out the door. When (y/n) and Jason are alone, they walk upstairs to their room. When they arrive, they begin to watch 50 shades of grey. When there's some sex scenes show up, things starts to get hot. When Jason gives (y/n) kisses, she pulls him to the bed and they have another sex night.

Little did they know is that there's gonna be someone at (y/n)'s school trying to come between them...

Alright girls more coming up cause it's not over yet. Brought to you in part by Jason on a talk show!

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