Camp Crystal Lake

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One of the counselors make an announcement out of nowhere getting everyone's attention.

"Attention kiddos! We're arriving at camp crystal lake!"

They all cheer for the announcement that a male counselor just made. (Y/n) is still nervous as the look on her face. Brandon sees her reaction and puts a hand on her shoulder for comfort.

"Don't worry, things will be great. I never been here before either but I do have been into plenty of camps in the past. Just stay calm and you'll be fine."


The bus makes a final stopping point. Everyone runs out to get some air and stretch their legs. (Y/n) is the last I e to get out, and she sees a sign "camp crystal lake" written on it. She sees a big lake, couple of cabins, and a circle if logs for a campfire. (F/n) runs to (y/n) and gives her a hug, and (y/n) almost can't breath. But she let her go.

"Isn't this great?! They said after we unpack, we get to explore around, fishing, learn archery, then at night, we get to be at the campfire! Are you excited?!"

"Yeah I guess..."

*(Y/n)'s pov*

Hours later of doing lame stuff and unpacking. I only did have fun doing archery. And I get to be really good at it. No one wants to share a cabin with me. Even my own friend (f/n), she's probably not very interested in me anymore. So I end up having a small cabin all to myself.

Right now it's night and they're walking to the campfire as I follow along. I see an empty log there so I sit on it, feels smooth like a royal wooden chair. There are 4 counselors, 2 males and 2 females. Shane, Kent, Candace, and Taylor. The rest of us is me, (f/n), Brandon, Frank, Mac, Corrine, Henna, and Stacie.

"Okay guys who's ready for a story?" counselor Kent ask as everyone cheers for his suggestion

"Yeah Kent tell us a story!" Brandon said.

Oh boy it's probably gonna be a long night.

*Narrator's pov*

A shadow figure is hiding behind a tree only watching the campers having fun telling ghost stories at the campfire. Until he notice a beautiful girl sitting on a log by herself looking board while the others look excited. His heart beats at the sight of the girl and has been staring at her not caring about the others.

"Oh wow." he said in his thoughts. "Whata beautiful girl. I wonder who she is..."

Stay tuned for the next chapter! Who do you think is that staring at u? Say that in the comments! Later!👌🌟

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