Go To Him

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It's midnight and everyone in (y/n)'s neighborhood are asleep. (y/n) is in her bed user the covers, sleeping.

She's in her dream world once more and this time, she's in paradise and it's nighttime there. She looks around and everything looks beautiful with the moonlight but she see the waterfall with a small lake shining bright like the sunlight, color in gold. So she runs to the waterfall's lake, cups her hands, scoop out some water and see Jason has his machete stab to the ground, and has his mask out staring at it.


The 18 year old girl drops the water and turns around standing up. She looks around to see if anybody's there. But there's no one in sight. Suddenly, a blue glowing light appears and flies towards (y/n), the girl with sparkling (e/c) eyes stare at the light and stand still at the sight. Then, the light brightens that (y/n) shuts her eyes.


The voice calls her name again and it's in front of her. (y/n) opens her eyes and there's a woman. The woman has a short curly blonde hair, blue sweater and Jason's eyes. (y/n) stares wondering who's that. The woman smiles and begins to speak.

"(y/n)... You special, beautiful young lady. I'm Jason's mother."

(y/n) stood there in shock. Covering her mouth in speechless. "H-have you come to let me know that this is the time that it's time to go back to Jason?"

"Yes... But the government is going to send an army." Pamela scolds at the last part looking down. But she continues and looks up. "It's time for you to go back to Jason. Most importantly, Jason has an army so his can fight the government's army."

"But shouldn't I be at home so I won't get hurt during the battle?" (y/n) wonders in worry.

"But do you love my son?"

"Of course I do. I want to be by his side again." (y/n) pleaded.

"Then wake up, get dressed and there's a ride that's going to drop you off at camp."

"What about mom? She can drop me off."

"Yes but some slashers that you know will do the job while your mother will be just at home. We can't let her get hurt." Then Mrs voorhees smiles at (y/n) and cups her cheeks.

"Go (y/n)... Go back to camp, fight the government, and save my son. I know you can do it..."
(y/n) sits up from her bed, sweating and preaching hard. She turns to her lamp where her charging phone is and it's 3 in the morning. (y/n) gets a text message from chucky and reads it.

Hey (y/n) it's chucky. Some of us are going to give you a ride to camp so we can fight the army. But we're not alone...😈 anyway get dressed we're almost there to your place. Jason's mom gave us the address.

(y/n) turns on her lights and goes through her closet and get dressed to get tough. She gets her archery, sword, daggers and get her hair styled.

As soon as (y/n) finishes fixing her hair, she hears a car horn coming from outside her window

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As soon as (y/n) finishes fixing her hair, she hears a car horn coming from outside her window. So the girl runs to the window, opens it and looks out. She sees a truck full of slashers she knows. Chucky, Freddy, and Ghostface waves happily as (y/n) smiles and shuts the window quickly and quietly.

Before could make her way downstairs, (y/n) sees her mom's bedroom door. So she slowly opens it and there's mom sleeping peacefully on her queen size bed. (y/n) walks quickly and quietly to her sleeping mother and giving her whispers.

"Mom. If anything happens to me... I will always love you dear mother."
(y/n) gives mom a gentle peck on the cheek and walks to the door. (y/n) holds the doorknob, pulls the door slowly and take a glance at mom one last time. A sparkling year escapes from (y/n)'s (e/c) eye and she close the door.

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