Best Night Ever With Him

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Warning: there's going to be lemon in this chapter. And this is my 1st lemon I've written.

Jason look at what's rising up in his pajama pants and slowly reach out his penis to touch it.


Jason bites his lip and open one eye. He never had this feeling before. He looks at the door still closed and can hear the shower going on. He strips off his pants and underwear and there reveal his long and thick member. Jason blushes deeply in red, wanting more of this feeling while thinking about his woman. He grabs it and starts to phase it up and down while breathing hard and quiet not wanting (y/n) to hear.

(Y/n) turns the shower off, dry herself and puts on her underwear, and one of those sexy dresses she pick out and it has her favorite color. (It's one of those clothes she took from the other girls after they're killed)

She takes a look at herself in the mirror, smiles and blushes.

"Okay. You can do this. This is my first time with him, just go for it. Not being a slut but a sex goddess."

(Y/n) breaths in then out and place her hand on the door knob. Before she could open the door, she hears grunting. She wonders what's going on, so (y/n) slowly opens the door hoping no creeping is to be heard. Luckily no sound to be heard.

When the door is open enough to see only with one eye, (y/n) covers her mouth when she gasp in shock. Jason is masturbating!

While watching the moment, (y/n)'s heart pounds so loud, blushes, and could not take her eyes away. It lasted for a minute before Jason could release his semen, someone interrupts.

"Don't do this without me."

Jason shoots his eyes open and gasp that (y/n) is peeking her head out the bathroom door.

"(Y-y/n)?! H-how long have you been there?!"

"Calm down it's only for one minute. I'm surprised because I have a surprise for you~❤" (y/n) opens the door and reveal her body cover up in sexy (f/c) see through dress with undergarments.

 I'm surprised because I have a surprise for you~❤" (y/n) opens the door and reveal her body cover up in sexy (f/c) see through dress with undergarments

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The killer gasp and (y/n) likes that look.

"Jason, there's something you need to know... I've never done it. As you know... I want you to be my first."

"...Really? You mean to tell me that you're a virgin?"

"Yeah." So she gets on the bed and slowly crawls to him like a sly fox. (Y/n) takes his mask off and place it on the little dresser next to the bed. She caressed​ his cheek and place her forehead onto his. "You don't have to hide your face away from me. I don't care about your appearance as much as others do. The way you are matters the most."

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