(Y/n)'s Day Off From Killing

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The morning sun had finally broken through their bedroom window. The sun didn't touch their eyes from disturbing their slumber, but it did give them a warm golden glow.

Its been 3 weeks after (y/n)'s mom accept her daughter's relationship with camp crystal lake's killer, Jason Voorhees. They've been very happy with each other and start to have an enchanted sex life. Which they've been 'doing it' every night.

As the sun's rays basked them all around, (y/n) chirred softly and cuddled up closer in Jason's strong chest. She made herself feel relaxed and more comfortable in his man's embrace as she slept. Jason soon opened his eyes a bit and saw his little lady all rested by his side and very close. He cracked a little smile down at the 18 year old and closed his eyes again, holding her closer and exhaled slightly through his nose. All seemed very peaceful and tranquil for the two people while the sun shined bright at the crack of dawn. The muscular killer felt so serene and at peace with (y/n) in his embrace as he rested his head gently close to hers. He was so happy and well-adjusted to their quiet morning together until…


…He screamed and jumped with his eyes now fully wide open. Jason turned around to see the clock on the nightstand ringing and buzzing real loud like a banshee. A scowl formed on the strong, immortal man as he reached for the clock, grasping it harshly in his hand with a growl and slammed it hard against the wood of the nightstand. He slammed it so hard; he smashed the clock breaking it in pieces with one blow when the loud alarm finally stopped one last time.

After he had broke the alarm clock, he sat up from the bed and sighed lowly with disbelief with his big, bare palm pressed against his face. "That damn clock…" he moaned with a growl. "Every fuckin' time…"

(Y/n) also had woken up with her eyes wide open because of Jason's screaming and the ringing of the clock. She then sat up and starts to laugh at the whole situation. "Oh God, Jason! Did you just smash my clock?!"

"Seriously… does the alarm have to be that loud?" Jason looked to her with a disgruntled dismay.

"Oh Jason..." (y/n) said as she hugs him from behind. "I'm sorry. Its just alarm clocks are meant to be loud. I forgot to turn it off."

"Nah it's not your fault. And besides, you have an alarm on your phone, right?"

"Oh yeah. Well, we might as well get ready for today's kill." (y/n) suggested as she gets up from the bed. But got stopped by a grab of the wrist by Jason.

"Actually honey, why not take a day off from killing. Summer is about relaxing, spent days doing nothing but do what you want to do. Why not stay here in the cabin until I get back?"

"Really? What happens when somebody comes here?"

"Just kill them. But if it's somebody you really care about, spare their life, okay?"

"Okay." (y/n) said. Then smirk. "Wanna take a shower together?"

Jason's eyes widened at the idea and blushes. "A-are you s-sure?"

"Why not? I'll wash your back. Come on." (y/n) said and gently pulls Jason along with her.

They walk from the bedroom to the bathroom. Jason turns on the lights while (y/n) turns on the shower and then they strip off their clothes. When (y/n) steps into the shower, Jason steps in with her and his woman blushes.

Jason takes out a body wash and sponge and make bubbles with the help of the water. When bubbles start to form pink bubbles, he rubs it on (y/n)'s back. She gasp and feels shivers down her spine, but then she calm down and enjoys the feeling.

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