Wait What?!

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2 week after they're married, Jason is out killing campers now that the world knows that's Jason is so called dead. Right now Jason is out at camp looking out for teens in the morning while (y/n) is in bed still sleeping. But there's something that's inside her wandering around and happy to know who she is.

Hi mommy! I'm so happy to be your baby! But you didn't know I was there yet. So I want you to know for yourself!

(y/n) rise up from the bed and stretch and yawns. She rubs her eyes and begin to feel something's not right. So the married woman walks to the bathroom and take a look at herself. Looks okay but don't feel okay. Then (y/n) begins to realize something that she haven't thought about before. Have sex with Jason a lot and didn't get pregnant.

"Wait WHAT?!?!" (y/n) shouts. "No I can't! What if I'm not ready. I know nothing about raising a child. There's only one way..." (y/n) opens the mirror cabinet and takes out a pregnancy test that she took from killing girls.

*Minutes later*

(y/n) stand there in front of her bathroom sink with mouth open covered by her hands.

(y/n) stand there in front of her bathroom sink with mouth open covered by her hands

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3 different pregnancy tests is all positive. This is the most shocking that has ever happen to (y/n). The only to REALLY know that she's pregnant is to have a doctor's appointment. So (y/n) runs to her phone and dials someone she knows who's a doctor.



"Hey Hannibal. It's me (y/n)."

"Oh hello dear. What brings you to call me?"

"Well you're not going to believe this but can you come over because I need to have an appointment with you."

"Okay I'm on my way."

"Oh my god! Miss (l/n)... You are pregnant!"

(y/n) drops down and cries in her hands. Not because she's sad, because she's happy. But she wonders what would Jason think of this. (y/n) stands up and looks up at doctor.

"Hannibal? How am I gonna tell Jason about this?"

"Don't worry. I'm sure he'll be very happy. In fact, I bet he can be an excellent father figure. And besides, how can be mad if he loves you?"

Well that is a good point. (y/n) is pregnant with Jason's baby and how could a man be angry if the woman he loves carrying his child?

"*sigh* you're right doctor. Jason couldn't be mad. I'll tell him when he gets home."

When Hannibal leaves, (y/n) starting by make a romantic dinner that way it'll show Jason there's something exciting to tell him.

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