Our World

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*Months later*

(y/n) is now 9 months pregnant and she and Jason got all the things their baby needs: toys, cloths, bottles, blankets, a crib, and other stuff the baby needs. At the camp cabin in the woods, they transform Jason's old bedroom into a baby room. (y/n) is in front of the room staring at it, thinking about herself with Jason playing with the baby. She rubs her round belly with the baby in it kicking it.

"Sweetheart. I love you but I wish you won't kick me a lot."

Jason walks in and wraps his arms around her from behind. "Hey beautiful."

"Hey handsome." (y/n) blushes.

"And hey little one." Jason rubs her belly as the baby kicks.

"(y/n)... I gotta say you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Especially when you're pregnant."

"Thanks Jason I hope the delivery isn't painful."

"Oh don't worry, everything will be fine."


The baby is coming and Jason is outside of the delivery room at Hannibal's secret hospital. (y/n) is in pain, holding the bars of her bed.

"Don't worry (y/n) your doing great just breath." Hannibal orders gently.

"How long this is gonna take?!"

"It'll be over before you know it now push!"

"AGH! OwOwOwOw!"

"Oh my god I can see the head you're almost there! Push!"


Jason is outside had his ear on the door listening to the painful screams (y/n) is giving out. Then he hears a baby crying. The baby's here. Jason place his hand on his heart and sigh. The door opens and it's Hannibal.

"Mr voorhees. You have someone to see."

Jason walks inside the room and there's (y/n) holding the blanket covered baby in her arms. Jason walks to the side of the bed and gives his wife a kiss. "Hey (y/n), how are you feeling?"

"Tired. But happy to see her."


"Yes it's a girl."

Jason looks down at what's in (y/n)'s arms and it's a beautiful baby girl sleeping.

Jason looks down at what's in (y/n)'s arms and it's a beautiful baby girl sleeping

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"She's beautiful like you. What are we gonna name her?"

(y/n) thinks for a moment, then she had the perfect name for their little girl.

"How about... (D/n)?" daughter's name

"(D/n)... I like that name for her." Jason agrees. "(D/n) welcome to our world."

Now that little (d/n) is born. Jason couldn't been more happy than ever. Met (y/n), fell in love with her, married to her and have a child with her. And as for (y/n)? Well... She couldn't been more happy than ever like Jason. They were meant for each other, because they were together as one.

💗The end💗

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