They're Alive?

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"But dad I'm telling the truth! I swear there's a killer on Crystal lake! And there's a girl there who was taken by the killer, we must help her!"

"Yes sir! What your son is telling the truth! I was there!"

"Kids please! I may be an officer, I'm supposed to help others when there's an emergency, but you mean to tell me one day that you two just got to your camping spot, got drunk, and all of a sudden there's a tall hockey mask killer on the loose who took a girl by the name (y/n)?"


"You don't have to yell! Brandon, go to your room! Miss (f/n), go home NOW!"

But Brandon and (f/n) runs to the front door and slams it behind them.

"UGH!!! Why won't dad listen to me?!" Brandon is frustrated about his dad. Not really taking this personally and serious. He and (f/n) told him about ten times about that (y/n) is missing and needs help. But Brandon's dad won't listen to them because "Jason Voorhees is just a tall tale." dad said.

"If dad or anybody don't help us then we'll rescue her!" Brandon said proudly.

"But how?" (f/n) ask. "I mean, that guy's 6 feet tall, has a big@$$ knife, a fucking killing machine for life, and probably torturing poor (y/n)! And... I know this is none of my business... But why do you care about (y/n)? You two just met one day."

"Because... Well, don't go crazy okay?

(Y/n) is outside early in the morning to see if there's anybody here, when she finish the job she's planning to spend the day with her man Jason. A hour later there's no sign of anyone coming. So (y/n) grabs her gear (bow and arrow), dust off her outfit,

 So (y/n) grabs her gear (bow and arrow), dust off her outfit,

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And makes her way to the cabin. As soon she's about to leave, (y/n) hears tires approaching. She turns around and there's a big grey color truck with Brandon and (f/n) inside.

"They're alive?" (y/n) said under her mask. She aims her arrow and shoot it to the glass where the drivers are at. The glad is now all covered with cracks and they can't see anything. (Y/n) runs off as fast as she can to the cabin to warn Jason.

When (y/n) make it inside the cabin, she calls out for her boyfriend.

"Jason! Jason! Jaso- oh there you are." (y/n) cuts off when she see her man standing there.

"Remember the campers we're here? Two of them are still​ alive and they're after me!"

"(y/n)! (Y/n)! We know your in there! Get out or we'll break the down the door!"

"Jason please! I didn't mean to lead them here I was just-!"

Jason cut her off by snatching (y/n) into his arms. He strokes her hair and back calming her down. (Y/n) close her eyes and snakes her arms around his waist while blushing and feeling the warmth of Jason's strong and muscular arms.

"Alright (y/n)! You leave me NO CHOICE!"

So the door has two knocks as someone tries to break it down. The be the door broke down by a one last knock. Fog surrounds the room then vanish. There reveal Brandon and (y/n)'s ex friend, (f/n).

"What you two doing here?!" (y/n) demand.

"We came to rescue you from that uncontrollable psychopath!" Brandon reply raising up a baseball bat.

"We miss you (y/n)! And we want you to come back home!"

Jason takes out his machete out of nowhere and strikes it to Brandon. But he missed and make a huge scare on (f/n)'s arm. Brandon punch Jason on the face causing him to get knock out. He tries to drags (y/n) out of the house, instead, (y/n) head bunk him.

Jason opens his eyes and blink trying to clear his vision. He see someone on front of him and its (y/n) with no mask on, looking at him worried. Then she smile glad that he finally woke up.

"Hey Jason... Are you okay?"

"Yes. But, where are the intruders?"

"I tie them up in the cellar."

"Okay."  Jason sits up lifts up the mask to reveal his lips and gives (y/n) some kisses.

(Y/n) wraps her legs around his waist, use her hands to place them in the sides of his head

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(Y/n) wraps her legs around his waist, use her hands to place them in the sides of his head. Jason pulls her and holds her close giving her more love and passion. It last for a while until..


They both broke the kiss and they see Brandon looking all made with face color red. And there's also (f/n) holding holding her huge bleeding scar with her jaw drop.

"Your with him?!"

"Yeah so what's your deal?!"

"I love you (y/n)! What do you see in him?!"

"Yeah!" (f/n) said. "Why do you love him?! Brandon is a lot more better than any other guy! He has a car, good looks, lots of money, and he has-"

"NO ONE IS ANYTHING COMPARED TO MY JASON! I don't care if Brandon is every girls dream guy! Jason is mine."

Out of no where, a machete throws to Brandon's skull to the wall. Blood flows through the wound. Jason gets the machete and he use it to chop the brunette guy into pieces. (f/n) runs outside screaming in fear, (Y/n) catch up in front of her ex friend and raise up her bow and arrow, getting ready to make her shot.

Before (f/n) could make and excuse of why she shouldn't die, (y/n) shoot right through the girls skull.

Jason appears from a tree, and walk to (y/n). He place his forehead on (y/n)'s forehead and whisper words that means a lot to the (h/c) girl.

"You are my yandere."

Hey guy I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was having some fun with my family. Here's a video to cheer you up some more

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