Trip Begins

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Bee-

A hand slaps the clock so it can turn the alarm off. Its 6:00 in the morning. (Y/n) has to get up this early because the bus that's gonna drop her off at camp leaves at 8. So she turns on her lamp that's next to her and go to her bathroom to take a shower, wash her face and brush her teeth. She walks into her closet to change, a second later, she walks out wearing an outfit she picked out last night. Comes with a purse.

(Y/n) quietly opens the door, get her bag, place the bag outside her bed room door, shut the lights off, and close the door

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(Y/n) quietly opens the door, get her bag, place the bag outside her bed room door, shut the lights off, and close the door. The (h/c) girl tip toes down stairs to the living front door, when she place her bag next to the front door-

"Hey! Hey! Don't plan on going without me!"

Mom's already in the kitchen cooking as (y/n) smell something good. Mom's cooking is always good and fresh.

"Mom you're up?"

"Yes honey, I woke up at 5:50, I want you to have a good breakfast, have a good lunch during the trip (since I already made you something that's in the fridge), and you gonna make it there safe. Now I served you food, it's on the table. Eat up baby, you got a big day ahead of you."

So (y/n) follow her mothers' order by walking to the small round table that's neatly done and has a plate of breakfast that's hot and ready.

So (y/n) follow her mothers' order by walking to the small round table that's neatly done and has a plate of breakfast that's hot and ready

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After she ate her breakfast, (y/n) wash her dishes, and takes her lunch box out of the fridge. Before she can make her way to the front door, mom calls her out.

"Baby wait! I wanna give you something for a treat during lunch." Mom runs to the fridge, takes out a small container and hands it to her daughter. (Y/n) takes the container from her mom's hand, opens the lid and there's little cakes.

 (Y/n) takes the container from her mom's hand, opens the lid and there's little cakes

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"Aww thanks mom."
"Okay honey have a good time, be careful, and don't do any bad stuff they might do."

"Yes mom."

(Y/n) hugs mom and runs to the bus filled with teens mostly like her age and the bus drives off. She sits next to (f/n) looking overexcited as ever.

"Oh my god I'm so excited! There's gonna be hiking, boys, smores, boys, campfire, boys, and-"

"Can you please talk about something else that doesn't involve boys?" (y/n) said looking irritated. (F/n) has been bragging the whole year about having a boyfriend and never got the chance to have one. It gets on (y/n)'s nerves most of the time and (f/n) has been going to parties, drinking, smoking, and hang out with other girls. (Y/n) spends time with her and being her friend because she's the only friend she had and gets bullied a lot. But she's been there for her.

"Hey you wouldn't mind if I go sit with these girls in the back?" (f/n) ask as (y/n) shook her head staring at her lap with hands closed together. (F/n) hops out of her seat and runs to some girls in the back. (Y/n) sigh feeling sad. So she takes her phone and headphones out from her purse and puts on a relaxing instrumental music while staring out of the window from next to her.

Few minute later after listening to calm music, (y/n) feels a soft tap on the shoulder, she turns around and take off her earbuds. She sees a guy that looks like her age, brown hair neatly done, lime green eyes, and wearing a football jacket.

"Hi!" said the boy with a charming smile. Looking excited to see her.

"Hi..." (y/n) greeted quietly looking down shyly.

"You seem like a really pretty girl, what are you doing here sitting by yourself?"

(Y/n) looks up and answers.

"That's what I do all the time. Most people don't want to hang out with me. But I'm fine with that."

"Well you just need company, especially when we make it to camp. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Brandon." He takes out his hand and (y/n) shakes it.

"My name's (y/n) nice to meet you." She let go of Brandon's hand and he keep on staring her.

"(Y/n)... That's a pretty name."


"Brandon how long are you going to keep me waiting?" A girl comes out of nowhere, having a tone like she's board. She's a blonde girl with long wavy hair pull back by her heart shaped sunglasses, tan skin, blue eyes, pink eyeshadow, pink sleeveless shirt showing off her pierced bellybutton, and light blue shorts. She turns to (y/n) and gives her a disgust look.

"Brandon who's she?"

"Corrine, please, she's just a girl I want to give company just lemme talk to her."

"Fine." the blonde/Corrine said as she walk back to her friends.

"Sorry about that. She's just a girl who had a huge crush on me and been trying to hit on me during school."

"Oh okay."

So (y/n) and Brandon had been talking during the whole trip. The camp is so far it takes 3 hours to get there. (it depends on what area you live in New Jersey) And the bus stops few times on gas stations so everyone can use the bathroom, or get snacks.

While driving to camp and they're almost there, (y/n) is bursting out laughing after Brandon just told her a joke. Corrine saw the whole thing and starts to get jealous. She whispers to one of her friends, Henna.

"Ugh, look at that bitch with my man laughing..."

"Yeah... What Are you gonna do about it?"

"Well, since school's out... Maybe I can make him have some 'fun' with me at night tonight."

"Ooh girl you dirty..."

Uh oh bitches on the loose! Coming up next: Chapter 3! Part to you in part by: Crank calls! 🍹😂📱

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