News From Mrs Voorhees

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Jason and (y/n) are sleeping soundly in their bed at nighttime in paradise. They cuddle with each other feeling the warmth and comfort in their slumber.

In Jason's sleep, he dreams of holding (y/n) in his arms, floating in the sky full of twinkling stars with the moon.


Someone's calling him and that voice sounds familiar to him.

"Mother is talking to you..."

The stars starts to fade away, the sky turns to muddy grounds with a little bit of grass, and he gently lands in the ground while still having the sleeping (y/n) in his arms. Jason gets up holding (y/n) in a bridal style, having her head on his shoulder, and looks around to see his dear mother. Then he spotted her in front of him.

"Jason. My strong,​ special child. You've been a very good soulmate towards (y/n). An incredible lover. During your relationship with that young lady, the government plans on destroying you. They have no clue that you're with her. They saw the news about a report saying a girl knows you're immortal but they don't believe it. They shut down the camp for a while to think of a plan to get rid of you next week. Tomorrow, (y/n)'s mother will come pick her up to take her home."

Jason's heart shattered. He knows his mom well and never make any lies. He has to face his fate again and let (y/n) go. "B-but mom. Will I ever see her again?"

"Yes you will. Very soon. Just do as I say and everything will be fine. I'll let (y/n) know when she's allow to come back to you. I'm saying don't break up with her. Her mother is going to send her home for days or weeks, then I'll let her know to bring (y/n) come back. Do you understand?"

"Yes... Mother."

"That's a good boy... That's my Jason."

"Jason, I'm scared you might die and never come back."

Back at camp, Jason finish pack (y/n)'s things and already told her about the news that he knew she wasn't gonna like. (y/n) wants to stay with Jason forever and be immortal with him, but there's no choice. When moms car arrive, everyone puts the bags in the trunk, and begins to say their goodbyes.

(y/n) turns from the trunk of the car and to face up to Jason.
"Well I guess this is goodbye. I don't know when are we gonna see each other again but your mom said soon." (y/n) reach her hands up to Jason's hockey mask and pulls it off to reveal his face. The girl use her left hand to feel Jason's right cheek and he close his eyes to enjoy the feeling. Tears starts to leak from his eyes as he slowly opens his eyes and smiles

"I'm gonna miss you..." Jason whispers. (y/n) jumps into his arms and Jason starts to weep. "You will always my yandere, (y/n)!..."

"And you will always be my man, Jason!..."

They pull away and gives each other a kiss and have some tears stain on their cheeks.

They pull away and (y/n) pulls out her mask from her big purse. "Keep it. It'll remind you of me. And I will come back to you."

"Thank you. And here what I found when I was killing before I met you." Jason pulls something out from his pocket and it's a necklace.

"It's from a girl camper who only came to see me

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"It's from a girl camper who only came to see me. But she was alcoholic, drug addict, and a floozy. So I've been saving this for my soulmate. And you are the one." Jason unclips it and puts it on (y/n)'s smooth neck.

"I'll miss you..."

"Baby girl, I know you're upset but he will be okay."

(y/n) is in her bedroom crying in her pillow laying down on her stomach as mom pats her back. "I know Jason is your everything and you want to be with him, but life isn't fair. I'll call you when dinner's ready.

Mom walk out of the room and close the door behind her. (y/n) turns around and lays on her back facing the ceiling. Her (e/c) eyes are red from crying and so as her face. (y/n) takes off her necklace and holds it up.

"Jason... If you can hear me... I wish you were here... I never want to leave you. The fucking government are so stupid, probably don't even know what love is. Please don't be in love with someone else. I will return to you. I promise..."


"I will always love you (y/n)... I will always come back... No matter what they do to me. I cannot die. I can never die. Not even my love for you..."

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