Thinking About Him

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It's been 2 days since (y/n) left Jason and she's home alone on a rainy day in mid July. Mom is out at work and after that, run some errands. (y/n) is sitting on her bed watching a romantic movie while holding a pillow, eating half of a big heart shape box of chocolates, and cry at the ending.

"Brenda... Brenda! Please wake up! Don't leave me...!" A male actor cried.

(y/n) holds her pillow tight and cries at the scene. "No! Please don't let this be the end!"

The actress wakes up from a coma which that's what was happening. (y/n)'s watching a sad romantic movie about a young woman (Brenda) born unhealthy since her mother was very alcoholic and been smoking during her pregnancy. Until a man, (Charles) her caretaker falls in love with her and been praying she will live.


(y/n)'s eyes wide open about what's happening.

"I will never leave you... Because I love you..."

The actress's skin turn from pale white to peachy skin. "We can finally be together..."

"Yay!" (y/n) cheers and the end credits shows up and she use the remote to turn her tv off. She sigh in relief that she have some time to relax about worrying about Jason. But an image of Jason pops in her mind and she starts to have tears forming in her eyes. (y/n) falls on her back and starts to cry in her pillow again. It lasted for a minute then (y/n) sits up, takes the pillow from her face and wipes away her tears.

"*Sniff* oh god. I miss you so much Jason and I wish you were here."

(y/n) puts the box of chocolates next to her lamp which that's where a little desk is next to her bed. And so as the tv remote.

(y/n) began to remember how Jason felt when he had sex with her for the first time, making her send a chill down her spine. At the quick sudden reaction; (y/n) starts to breath hard. She then closed her eyes and began to blush as she thought of it more. The girl with (h/c) hair could feel how she was beginning to breathe at a much faster pace.

She reminisced how good it had felt when Jason just took her in by surprise. The way they kissed, the way they touched each other, and the wonderful outcome for when he was being filled up by the strong killer himself. (y/n) soon felt her heart racing much faster just thinking about how hot he looked. And he had remembered how she tasted Jason before he was satisfied for the first time. She blushed even deeper with a dark shade of red coloring her cheeks and licked over her lips. Oh, the wonders of it all when she was with her man that night. It made her feel just good just thinking about him. She started to moan a little from the sensational fantasy of Jason until she suddenly opened her eyes and looked down.

Since she was only wearing her (f/c) panties and a white oversized t-shirt, (y/n) is wet from thinking dirty thoughts. She shakes it off from her head, (y/n) takes out a picture of Jason, strokes it with her thumb and place the other hand on her necklace.

"Jason... When will I see you again? And when will your mother let me know?" she close her eyes and can hear her own heartbeat.

"Jason... My man... My love... I want to see you right now. Screw the government because they're assholes. They just want to get rid of you because they don't know what it's like to loose something they love. I know... I don't want to loose you..."

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