Thinking About Her

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1 more day left before the attack of the government. Jason is at the cellar sharpening his weapons, making sure they're clean, polish, and sharp enough to cut some flesh. He rips off his sweat from his forehead, and gets up from the dirty ground. The tall and strong legendary killer walks out from the cellar, walks upstairs, and he take a shower.

When Jason gets out from the bathroom, he remembers his first time with (y/n). He walks to the bed and turns to face the other side if the bed where (y/n) sleeps at. He remembers how he felt inside of her, she holds him tight, the way they kiss, and it feels so right. Jason starts to pant and close his eyes and he sees (y/n) on top of him and that day when they make love at the waterfall cave at paradise. Daydreaming.

"Ahh! Jason!..."

The muscular killer moans at the feeling and little did he know he had his own hand gripping his member making it hard. The horny, strong Jason shots open his eyes and looks down to his pajama pants. He's shocked that it's hard just like he masturbate one time when (y/n) was in the shower. Without thinking, Jason throws his pants and underwear out from his legs and begins to pump his hand up and down on his long and thick member.

The aroused, horny, guy soon started to stroke it a little faster, making himself moan and pant all at once. His face flushed even deeper while his heart raced much faster. Jason's breathing had become more unbearable to control as he panted harder and louder.

"Ahh…. Hah…. Uhhh…. Nnnn…."

His body became tensed at the feeling of his 'thing' just about to reach the edge. Jason soon started to rub himself at full speed, panting much faster, and on the verge to letting himself go anytime.

"Nnn… haaa… ahhh… (y-y/n)…" his voice shuttered.

Then suddenly after what he murmured, the strong killer finally came, letting himself come all over on his hand and onto the bed. "AHHHHH!"

He panted quickly and felt his heart still racing. His heart begins to calm down along with his breathing. His eyes hooded over while his cheeks still flushed with deep shades of red. Jason closed his eyes for a short while, thinking what he had just done and why this was all happening.
Then he sees (y/n) laying her head on his broad chest, sleeping. As soon as Jason was about to lay his hand on her smooth hair, his hand goes through her and she disappears with words echoes in his mind.

"I love you... I love you... I love you..."

Jason sits up from laying down on the bed and takes out (y/n)'s mask and a tear fall on it.

"I love you (y/n)... Tomorrow the government's army will die... But I'm not going to be alone during the battle..."

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