Previous Campers comes back

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(Y/n) wakes up in the morning by a sound from her phone. She rubs her eyes, unplugs her phone, and check the message. It's from mom.

Hey sweetheart how are things?

(Y/n) is nervous about what to type down. Since she met a serial killer who only kills for those who steps into his territory. Mom can be overprotective most of the time. (Y/n) never want to lie to her own mother. So she plays cool by typeing a reply and send it to her.

I'm good, everything's good. I made a friend

Oh that's nice what's his name?


Okay well I'll let you guys have fun, tell me what you guys do

Okay mom

(Y/n) sets her phone down and make her way to the bathroom. She take a shower, brush her teeth, wash her face and change clothes. (Y/n) make her way to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Before she can start cooking, (y/n) notice a note on the kitchen counter, she takes it and recognize the hand writing. Its from Jason.

Good morning (y/n), I'm sorry I couldn't be here for breakfast, sometimes strangers come here in the morning. I don't know why but I don't care. But I will come back in the afternoon, just to let you know if you get worried that I might get killed, I'm immortal. So have a safe day.


(Y/n) is worried but surprised. Immortal? No wonder he's legendary. So she turns on the stove and make her favorite breakfast.


Jason hides somewhere in one of the cabins looking out of the window, waiting for anyone to arrive, but there's no luck. Until he see a red color truck parking at the hill that's few feet away. There are 4 guys coming out of the truck while laughing, seem to be excited. Jason notice that they look familiar, thought he see them somewhere before. He can see them talking, so he opens the window, ducks down, and listen to their conversation.

"Okay. This is where the weed is at Jack?"

"Positive! As soon after we get them and spend the night out here, we'll be rich!"

"And I hope I'll find some hot females here!"

"Dude can you stop talking about bitches now?! You'll get some as soon as we finish this job!"

Jason is not pleased of what they're planning. Just crashing here just to get some weed for money. Disgusting. This reminds him from when he's a kid. One time when he is walking out of his cabin from waking up, he spots two counselors smoking inside of some other cabin that's across him. Jason then shake it off from his head and peaks out the window without being seen. One of the guys takes out his phone from his pocket while the others take their stuff out of the truck.

"Hey it's Mordecai. Yeah the place is great. Do you think you can bring everybody else here? The place is great for camping. No we didn't find them yet we just got here. Okay, bye Jeanette."

*Jason's pov*

Jack? Mordecai? Jeanette? Oh my god! They're the kids that push me in the lake and they're bringing the rest?! Oh they're going pay for what they did to me! All of them! I hope they don't go to my cabin so they can take (y/n) away from me. So I had an idea I'll let them live until the sun sets. So I run out to the back door, find a hiding spot, and watch them unpack.

*Night time*

(Y/n) is at the living room watching TV since she made the cabin new and improved. She has been waiting all day for Jason but he never show up. She starts to get worried.

"What if he got kidnapped? What if he got attacked? What if has dead?"

So (y/n) runs to her room, she change to an outfit that she's starting to like, polish a sword she found.

*Pick one of these*

And leave the house to find Jason and kill some fools

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And leave the house to find Jason and kill some fools.

Things are going according to plan Jason had hoped for, waiting for the others to come and they're all grown up. They had gone from bad to worse, the girls are wearing too much makeup, too much jewelry, too much gel on hair, and wearing clothes showing too much skin. And the guys already has muscles, gel covered hairstyles, big feet, oversize pants, and hairs growing from their faces already has mustaches.

Jason walks out from his hiding spot and follows a couple that's going to one of the cabins as they look like they're drunk. Probably about to have drunken sex.

(Y/n) arrive at the campfire and all the others are in their tents sleeping. Perfect time to kill. So (y/n) use her sword to stab their chests multiple times until they're dead, some of them are trying to escape but they never did. All of them are girls and this is what they get for looking like sluts. When she's done, there's some blood on her face and clothes but don't mind. Then she hears laughing coming this way, she peeks through the tent and see some guys coming this way having bags on their backs.

(Y/n) takes out some daggers and throws them to their eyes with a perfect shots. When (y/n) walks out of the tent, she spots Jason stand there​ look like he's been there. (Y/n) runs to him and explain why did she do this.

"Jason if you're not pleased of what I did I'm sorry! You haven't come to the house like you wrote down on the letter, I was worried you would get killed even though you're immortal and-" she gets cut off by the hockey mask man hugging her, rubbing her back with his large palms. (Y/n) slowly wraps her arms around him and calms down.

*Jason's thoughts*

During the comfort moment of hugging, Jason's mother calls him, he looks up and there she was.

"Jason. My special boy. (Y/n) cares about you. She's the one. Do you love her?"

"Yes mom."

"Guess what? She love you! But she doesn't know yet. Spend more time with her and her feelings towards you will get stronger."

"Yes mom... I will take good care of her."

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