Jason's Confession

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Another day, another victim(s). Jason and (y/n) are at different positions, hockey mask guy hide in one of the bushes and (y/n) hides on top of a tree. They see a guy and a girl walk to the dock alone and hold hands. The girl takes her phone out, probably gonna invite more people to come.

Without a warning, (y/n) shoots an arrow through the girl's head, the guy scream and runs off to his car. Since the guy is close to his hiding spot, Jason pops out and cuts his head off.

(Y/n) climbs down the tree and gives Jason a high five for the good work. They walk to the victims bags and opens the girl's luggage. (Y/n) only see some clothes, pack of cigarettes, beauty products, toothbrush and paste, and shoes. She looks through the bag with a board expression, until she see something she really needs while killing victims.

"Jason look!"

Jason turns from the guys bag to (y/n), and she holds up a mask.

I'll give you 3 choices

I'll give you 3 choices

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"Oh man! I need something to cover my face while killing victims just in case they see me and trying to get away, you think I should have this?"

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"Oh man! I need something to cover my face while killing victims just in case they see me and trying to get away, you think I should have this?"

Jason agrees as he nods. He walks to (y/n) and they look into each others eyes as always. He takes out a paper since he has been planning to tell (y/n) something that he would never forget.

(Y/n) unfolds the paper and begins to read.

(Y/n), from the moment I saw you. You are a unique young woman who has bravery, smarts, beauty, generosity and most of all... Passion. When most people see me, they run away or try to attack me But you haven't done neither of them. You look into my eyes with kindness and compassion. (Y/n)... I've been wanting to tell you that I love you. I never felt this way before, (y/n) may I be your man? And do you love me?

(Y/n) looks up to Jason after reading the note, trying to fight back tears while covering her mouth. She take her hand away from her lips, take a deep breath and answer.

"Yes... Yes Jason Voorhees you'll be my man because I love you too!"

(y/n) throws her arms around Jason's neck and he raps his arms around her waist. (Y/n) bury her face in his shoulder while Jason strokes her hair. They pull away staring at each other ones more.

Before anything else happens, (y/n) begins to wonder what Jason looks like without the mask

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Before anything else happens, (y/n) begins to wonder what Jason looks like without the mask.

"Hey Jason... Can I see your face?"

He back up a little wondering why she ask him that.

"Please Jason, I'm sure you don't look bad. The reason why those kids tease you a lot is because they don't know what is like to be different. I promise I won't be afraid of you. Personality is more important than looks.

He slowly let's go of (y/n), puts his hands on the mask, lift it up and now, the reveal.

He slowly let's go of (y/n), puts his hands on the mask, lift it up and now, the reveal

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To (y/n) it doesn't look so bad, She reaches her hands out and caress his cheeks. Jason close his eyes, smiles, and enjoy the warmth of his face for the first time in a long time. (Y/n) leans her forehead to Jason's.

"I love you Jason... Nothing will ever change that."

"I... Love... You... Too... (Y-y/n)..." Jason reply back with a deep voice.

Okay that's it for this chapter! More coming up! Part to you in part by Caught Redhanded: crooked clerks!

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