My Mother

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Song: My Mother- chipettes

2 days later after the battle, Jason, (y/n) Michael, Freddy, Ghostface and the other slashers gang are on the hill at camp where (y/n)'s mom grave is at. Today's mom's funeral. There are the army who attended. (y/n) turns around and make a speech.

"Thank you all for coming to say goodbye to my mother. Most of you don't really know her but she's a wonderful woman. The best part about her is that she loves me with everything in her life... She feeds me everyday, she teach me stuff that I need to know, she buys all the things I need. The list just goes on."

Play song

(y/n) turns back to the grave, kneels down. Two ghost girls puts one hand on each of (y/n)'s shoulder and (y/n) begins to sing a sad song about her mother.

(y/n): It's hard to remember, Summer or Winter, when she hasn't been 
there for me, a friend and companion, I can always depend on, my 
mother, that's who I need. 

Ghost girl #1 (Angelica): I've taken for granted, the seeds that she's planted, she's always behind everything,

Ghost girl #2 (Angelina): a teacher, a seeker, a both arms out reaches, 
my mother, that's who I need.

(y/n): Wish I could slow down, the hands of time, and keep things the way they are, if she said so, I would give her the world, if I could, I would.

My love and my laughter, from here ever after, is all that she says 
that she needs,

All three girls: a friend and companion, I can always depend on,
my mother, that's who I need, my mother, that's who I need, that's who I 

After the girls finish their singing Jason walks to (y/n) and she jumps to him and cries into his shoulder. (y/n) slips down and Jason sits down in the ground and he strokes her back in comfort.

Everyone leaves those two alone, going back to their homes. The embrace last for a while until they hear voices.



They look around to find where are these voices coming from and they see Pamela and (m/n) (mother's name). They gasp and runs to their mom's and hug them. They are spirits but they can feel anything when they want.

"Jason, you're a man now. You're in love, never done anything that most guys would do, and unselfish. There's no need to be sad, (m/n) and I will be at the spirit realm with those ghost girls. We'll see you again."

"(y/n)... My beautiful girl. I appreciate you made a funeral for me. Now that you're 18, you're a woman. Your first man is my best friends son, he's strong, fearless, and you love him no matter what his appearance is. Go, live with him, love him, and take care of him. You're very lucky to have a man like Jason consider your father."

Mom looks down feeling sad about what dad's been doing when (y/n) was a kid. Lying, cheating, and took advantage of mom. (y/n) raise mom's chin up slowly to look back up.

"It's okay mom. I may never know him but he doesn't matter to me at all. You did what you have to do in order to raise me with no complications. Everything will be okay with me and Jason."

"Well okay. Let's get going Pamela." mom give (y/n) a one last hug and a kiss on the forehead and Pamela did the same to Jason.

The mom's hold hands, fly to the forest, then vanish. Jason and (y/n) hugs and cry once more. But their tears of joy. The sky shines with the sun as the dark clouds are going away. Jason pull away from the hug and looks into (y/n)'s eyes.

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