A Day With Jason Voorhees

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Sunlight hits on someone's sleeping eyes. They open and there's sparkling (e/c) shimmering with the light. They belong to (y/n) as she's waking up. She slowly sits up and runs her eyes and let out a yawn. Without panicking, (y/n) take a look around her and she's in a small room, dusty, walls almost covered with plant vines, and messy. Before she can get off from the bed, someone is entering the room. And its the hockey mask man with a piece of paper in his hand.

(Y/n) stares at him curiously as he sits at the edge of the bed and hands the paper over to her. She slowly takes the paper, unfolds it and reads it.

Hello (y/n), my name is Jason Voorhees I brought you here and spare your life because you are different from all those other girls that comes here in my territory. Most of them likes to drink, get all the guys attention, and strip off their clothing in front of others. You are shy, quiet, inspiring, and wonderful. And I can tell your mom raise you to be better. I'm sorry if I scared you during the other night. I'll make it up to you.

(Y/n) looks up to Jason with a smile.

"That's so sweet. No one has ever said anything to me like that, except mom. If you'll take care of me then I'll take care of you. And before we get to know each other. There's something I need to know... Why do you kill?"

Jason takes to paper from (y/n), he flips it and write something quick. Then he hands it back to (y/n) and she reads it.

Because when I was a boy, I get bullied so much that it got out of hand one day. All the kids at camp pushed me in the lake and I end up getting drowned. When my mother finds out, she was furious that she kill all the counselors since they're responsible for watching us. Before she can make her last kill, a female counselor chop her head off and left. When I rise back to life, I start to kill to avenge her. That breaks my heart so much that I have had it for those who comes to this place.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened at the note. She starts to feel so bad about poor Jason. He got bullied too much that he end up dead. But she's surprised that he came back to life. But killing others to avenge his mother. That's so sweet and scary. But did it because he loves her. (Y/n) puts a hand on his shoulder and looks into his eyes.

"Jason... That's so sweet... It's okay if you kill. Not all people care about me either. Even though I get picked on in school a lot. So it's fine."

Jason gives the (h/c) girl a hug, feeling the warmth and his strong, muscular arms. (Y/n) blushes because of those words she's describing his arms. Jason smiles and blushes under his mask enjoying the moment hugging somebody else besides his mom.

The hug last for a while until Jason pulls away, he points his finger signaling to stay here and (y/n) nods. He left the room for a minute and comes back with (y/n)'s (f/c) bag. He lands the bag on the bed gently.

(Y/n) looks up to Jason with a smile.

"Thanks. If you don't mind can you give me some privacy so I can change?"

Jason nodded and left the room closing the door. (Y/n) opens the bag and look through to see what would be a good outfit. Then she found one.

1 minute later

Jason is outside waiting on the porch. He hears the door open and turns and he sees (y/n) wearing a outfit she picked out.

 He hears the door open and turns and he sees (y/n) wearing a outfit she picked out

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