Mysterious Dream

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An hour later passed the counselors telling stories, which it boars (y/n) which she's falling asleep with her cheek on her hand. Brandon notice her falling asleep, so he jumps up from his log and hurries to her side and lays her head on his shoulder.

"Ooh looks like Brandon likes her." Kent says playfully.

"Oh come on Kent it's just (y/n)'s special to me."

"Okay we have one more story... It takes place here at this very camp.

(Y/n)'s pov

I'm sleeping soundly while I hear a heartbeat. But I'm okay with that, because it sounds so soothly, almost like mom's heart when she comforts me when I was a kid having a bad dream.

Speaking of dream, I'm at my dream world once again. This time, I'm at camp crystal lake. But it look so new like it just got build today. I was walking and exploring the place. Until I see a boy running away from a group of kids who's chanting "freak show". I run next to the boy to take a closer look at him, feeling something's not right. His face looks crooked. I turn around to the kids who's behind us, I signal them to stop but they run pass me like I'm an illusion. No one can see me or hear me. I turn back around and I see the kids push the boy to the lake and runs away. I run pass them, stop my track, and see the boy drowning, begging for help. I dive into the lake and swim to the boy as fast as I can. As I was about to reach his hand, it goes thru him. He holds his neck trying to hold air... He lets it all go, eyes slowly closing, and he sinks. He's dead....


Someone's calling my name?


I turn to the surface as the sun's getting brighter.


I squinted my eyes as it's getting brighter and brighter...


I shot my head up feeling all sweaty and breathing hard. All eyes are on me looking worried. Except 3 girls.

"Are you okay?" Brandon ask all worried.

"I'm fine." I reply. "I think I should get to bed."

*Narrator's pov*

"What?! But the night's still young, stay up with us!" Taylor begs.

"No thank you." (y/n) stands up, rubs her eyes, and yawning cutely. "I'm just tired that's all."

"Can I take you to your cabin?" Brandon ask.

"No you don't have to."

"Please (y/n). I insist!" Brandon begs.

"Well okay."

So (y/n) and Brandon walks to the girl's cabin. They walk inside, (y/n) changes in the bathroom to her pj's. When she walks out, she's wearing a long sleeve (f/c) shirt with a head of her favorite animal, a long with a long pants w/ patterns of her favorite animal.

"Wow (y/n) you look great in your PJ's." Brandon said scratching the back of his head with a shy smile.

"Thanks. And I appreciate you take me here. Have fun and goodnight Brandon."

"Goodnight (y/n)." He leaves the cabin sad that (y/n) is not staying up with the others.

The (h/c) girl sigh feeling comfy of her bed. A shadow is watching her from the window, smiling at the sight of her beauty. When he walks closer, it's Jason Voorhees. He speaks again in his thought again.

(Y/n)... I want to learn so much about you... You're a beautiful and special girl." He hears laughing coming from the campfire and it's the teens and counselors drinking, laughing, dancing, and be crazy just like all the others. He takes out his machete and get ready to have some more victims.

Be prepared for the next part! And Jason's into you now! Will you be scared or excited to meet him? Say that in the comments plz!

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