I Do

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Song: westlife I do

"Hey (y/n)... If we're going to spend the rest of our lives together, There's something I've been wanting to ask you."

Jason kneels down, reach to his pocket, pulls out a small box, and opens the lid. "Will you marry me?"

(y/n) stood there, speechless. She cover her open mouth. The sun rays of sunshine lights upon them like a spotlight.

"Yes. Yes, yes YES!"

Jason takes out the sparkling engagement ring and slips it through (y/n)'s finger.

1 month later

It took a whole month to plan the ceremony. Find the perfect dress, place, food, and other stuff. But the day has arrive when Jason and (y/n) is going to get married! At this little down that's a half an hour away from camp, the town has a big church that's abandoned. The ghost girls froze all the town's folk so the wedding won't be interrupted.

Jason is at the alter at the church where the guests is waiting on their seats. Jason is wearing a suit with his mask, best man Michael, priest is a ghost man who's a priest where he comes from, and (y/n)'s brides maid is Tiffany. (chucky's wife)

The wedding march plays and here comes the bride. (y/n) wears a white wedding dress with a neat hairstyle and sparkling jewelry.

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Jason is speechless at the sight of his bride to be

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Jason is speechless at the sight of his bride to be. (y/n) blush in pink and make it to her groom. Jason and (y/n) looks at each other for a moment and face the priest.

"We have come together today in the presence of God to witness the joining of  Jason and (y/n) in Holy Matrimony. This is a special time of celebration that Jason and (y/n) will long remember, and because of this, they are thankful you are here to share their joy. From the dawn of human history, it has been customary for the community to place its seal of approval upon the union of two persons in marriage. If these solemn vows that they are about to make are kept faithfully. A good marriage evolves when two separate souls face life's pleasures and sadness in harmony, not in unison. One of you say your vows.

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