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Night time

Jason is at the coffee table with (y/n) eating some steak while watching the news.

"I'm Carrie young standing outside of the gate of Camp Crystal Lake. There are a lot of reports saying that a lot if drunk teenagers coming over here everyday just to have some 'fun'. Last year, there was a young woman name Whitney made her way to the camp to find her friend that has been missing for 2 weeks. Before she was about to get attacked, she found the crystal lake killer Jason Voorhees and took a picture of him to show proof."

"Miss Whitney escape and made a report saying that she found out the killer is immortal and can never die

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"Miss Whitney escape and made a report saying that she found out the killer is immortal and can never die. Right now the government is going to order the police to hang up signs all over the gate and lock it up forever. Reminder: If you DARE to go to the camp, make sure you bring protection. I'm Carrie Young, live outside at night, back to you Ryan."

"Wow. Probably no more killing for a while." (y/n) said in surprising.

"Yeah. Hey we haven't been going to our paradise. Wanna go and spend the night there?" Jason ask (y/n) wrapping his arm around her.

"Yeah I like that. Does the paradise look beautiful at night?"

"Yeah. And I also build a cabin there."

"Oh that's nice." Before they could lean for a kiss, there's loud banging on the door. They stand up from the couch and hurries to get their weapons and run to the door. They stood there in silence. The door made a loud bang again and there's a loud voice behind it.

"Voorhees! We know your in there! Hand over (y/n) and we'll leave! We know what you have done to Noah, we saw his body in the lake!"

"Oh crap." (y/n) whispers as she holds Jason's arm in protection. "That must be Noah's gang buddies. I'm scared Jason, what are we gonna do? There's 5 of them and 2 of us."

"There's only one way to kill them all at once... Call the other slashers and get ready to attack." Jason said in his deep, attractive voice as he reaches (y/n)'s (f/c) phone and pulls her upstairs. When they reach up to their huge master bedroom, Jason calls Freddy.

"Hey Freddy?"

"Hey Jason what's up?"

"Not so good, we're being attacked. 5 guys is coming after (y/n) and probably wanna kill me because I kill their friend who have feelings for my woman."

"Oh no that's not good. I'll call the others and bring them over. Make sure all the doors and windows are locked. And stay with (y/n)."

"Thanks Freddy. Hurry." Jason hangs up and turn to the bed where (y/n) is holding a pillow, crying not trying to be loud. He walks to her side, pulls her to his lap, and lays her head on his chest.

"It's okay. I got you... No one will ever hurt you."

5 minutes later

The front door is still banging, the guys tries to get in and they seem to never leave until they get what they want. The window is knocking, getting the lovers attention. They get up from the bed and look down to see who's there. And it's the killers. (y/n) unlocks and push up the window while they grab a ladder and climbs up.

"Alright girls where are they?" chucky said climbing down from the window.

"They're still at the front door trying to get in." Jason answered.

Before anyone can say something else, there's a loud bang at the door again. This time they hear some stuff that hits the ground.

"Um guys..." Ghostface interrupts. "Did they just break the door?"

"Yeah they did." Jason said. He picks up his machete and walks to the door.

"Are you guys ready to kick some ass?" Jason opens the door as the killers runs out charging some emos to kill. Before (y/n) could run out to join the fight, Jason sticks his arm out to stop her.

"Hey what gives I'm part of this right?" (y/n) whines.

"Yes sweetheart but they're after you. I don't know what but I want you to stay in here, keep the door lock. Do not leave the room until I get back okay?"


Jason pecks (y/n)'s cheek and close the door and locks it. 15 minutes of listening to the screams and knifes scratching through skins, (y/n) waits patiently. Until the door opens. It's Ghostface. "Okay toots It's over."

After they (y/n), Ghostface, and chucky toss away the bodies. Jason, Hannibal, Norman, and chucky replace the door into a new on the Jason has been having just in case. The killers left and the girl and the slasher is getting ready for bed.

"My God Jason not even a bruise or sacre?"

"No my love. No one can possibly kill me. I'm immortal remember."

"Oh right. Now let's get some sleep for some fun tomorrow." (y/n) said crawls to the bed next to Jason's side. The strong man wraps his arms around (y/n) and cuddles with her.

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