Chapter Six

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Yuuki sat cross-legged on a grassy plain, her expression bored as she picked at the grass beneath her. Since her small encounter with a Faerie Cardinal, Yuuki had to take even more unnecessary precautions in order not to be considered a threat. She knew she would have to move soon in order to accomplish her own goals, but she was being kept under close observation. Growling at the thought, Yuuki fell backwards onto her back and she stared up at the sapphire sky, small puffy white clouds trailing in the skies as they gently moved in the wind. Yuuki blinked a couple times before closing her eyes, her own thoughts starting to swirl in her head. Yuuki felt it get darker around her and she opened her eyes to see Saizo standing over her, his eyebrow raised.

“What are you doing?” he asked as Yuuki sat up.

“Observing,” Yuuki replied as she looked away from him.

“Typical answer,” Saizo huffed as he plopped down beside her. A wicked smile crossed his face. “Yuuna has more guts than I thought.”

“Does she now?” Yuuki looked over at him as she said this, a sly smile touching the corners of her mouth.

“I was surprised,” Saizo said as he tilted his head downwards, closing his eyes. “She broke my sword.”

“That’s not much of a shocker,” Yuuki said with a laugh. “Your sword was crappy anyways.”

“That just means I have to go kill another knight to get his sword,” Saizo said shrugging. “I have no problems with that.”

“How about you get yourself a better sword than that?” Yuuki snorted. “You won’t be of much help if your sword keeps breaking on me.” Saizo playfully knocked Yuuki over the head.

“Idiot,” he muttered and Yuuki smiled as she jumped to her feet. She put her hands on her hips and looked down at Saizo.

“So? Tell me; is Yuuna stronger now?”

“She has white wings,” Saizo said as he leaned back, his hands supporting him. “She can create purifying magic it seems.”

“Purifying magic?” Yuuki said as she scrunched her eyebrows together. “Tch, that’s not new. That’s what the Sylph is.”

“Let me see them,” Saizo said smiling. Knowing what he was talking about, Yuuki expanded her black wings and Saizo’s smile broadened. “Wicked,” he breathed. “I could sense something coming from you this time.”

“It’s only a matter of time before Yuuna starts to sense me and me her,” Yuuki said crossing her arms over her chest as her wings vanished. “That can’t happen. I suppose that’s at the next seal or whatever. She can’t release that guardian.”

“What have you figured out?” Saizo asked.

“Four temples,” Yuuki said holding up her fingers to emphasize. “One guardian for each element; Earth, Fire, Water and Air. The earth temple was the one she just visited. Of course there are two more elements, but we symbolize that.”

“Light and Darkness I assume?” Saizo questioned.

“Precisely,” Yuuki said nodding her head. “I play the role of Darkness, not that I mind that title. But once she releases the guardians, it seems her role leads her to the Tower of Souls.”

“What kind of cheesy name is that?” Saizo snorted.

“The Niravarnians named it, not me,” Yuuki said shrugging her shoulders. “Although the name fits the tower; I heard that it’s a ghastly place. Anyway, the tower only appears after she completes the other temples. That’s the final stage.”

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