Chapter Thirty-Six

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Yamato and Megumi dashed down their lane, determined to take care of this as quickly as possible. They didn't want to leave it up to Yuuki and Yuuna to take on Fumito alone. Knowing them, they would probably finish off the Cardinal they faced fairly quickly since they had more power than they did. Yamato was still a few feet away when he formed the earth from the path into a ball and shot it through the door, taking out the entire thing, hinges and all. They rushed into the room and scanned the area.

“Not who I was expecting.” They turned around to see Genji standing on a ledge above the door, with Kaname right beside him. He eyed Kaname with a smirk on his face. “I'm heading to the other room. The person I want to fight will be there.” After that being said, Genji flew through a hole in the ceiling, vanishing from sight. Kaname stood staring at them, his eyes emotionless.

“Looks like you're stuck with us,” Yamato commented and Kaname's facial expression didn't change.

“Enemy presence detected,” he said as he landed elegantly on the ground. A group of Orcs rose up from the ground on either side of him, carrying axes. “Prepare for annihilation.” He stared at them as the Orcs bellowed loudly. Yamato grimaced as his eyes expanded and Megumi drew water from the surrounding area and had it circle around her. Kaname paused a minute before he exploded from the ground and, with his arms extended, clothes lined Megumi and Yamato. They rolled and Yamato got to his feet quickly and controlled the rocks in the walls. The stones followed Kaname, destroying the ground as they barely missed their target. Megumi turned her water into ice crystals and shot them into the Orcs, stabbing them multiple times until they fell to the ground and became dust once again.

Kaname flapped his wings, easily increasing his speed to avoid the stones as Yamato still tried to land a blow on him. He landed on a ledge and raised his hand. A giant Orc rose up from the ground, dirt falling off of its back. Megumi quickly danced around it, the water entering the mouth of the Orc and drowning it. More Orcs rose up from the ground and Yamato drew his sword. Spreading his wings, he weaved in and out of the Orcs, slicing their throats with single swings. Megumi swallowed the remaining Orcs up in an orb of water, drowning them. She released the orb and they crashed to the ground, fading into dust. Kaname narrowed his eyes as the Orcs fell and he drew his slim sword and attacked Megumi. Yamato bulldozed into the side of him, sending him soaring into the walls. Megumi raised a tidal wave behind her and sent it crashing down on Kaname. Yamato commanded the rocks above Kaname to collapse and soon Kaname was buried underneath a pile of rubble. Yamato and Megumi were breathing hard as they stared at the pile of rocks.

“Did we get him?” Megumi whispered.

“Those rocks weigh a ton,” Yamato breathed as he took a huge gulp of air. He straightened up as he narrowed his eyes slightly at the pile. “I think we crushed him.”

“Not quite.” The voice of Kaname resounded off of the walls and suddenly Megumi screeched in pain. Yamato spun around to see a pack of Gravines on top of Megumi, crushing her limbs with their fangs as more rose up from the ground. This bastard can just create things from the ground?!  Yamato tried to help when Kaname appeared in front of him, his foot connecting to the side of his head. Yamato hit the ground and was airborne again as he crashed head first into the walls. Kaname snapped his fingers and the Gravines paused, their lips and fangs bloody from Megumi. She was barely breathing and she could no longer feel any part of her body. She closed her eyes from the pain and tried with all her willpower not to scream.

“Arrogant humans,” Kaname said bluntly. Yamato slowly got to his feet, blood trickling down his face from a gash on his head. He spread his wings and launched himself at Kaname, who met his attack with another fearsome kick. Yamato was sent flying in the other direction, slamming into the wall. He fell to the ground and his body was shaking as he tried to stand again. Are we not strong enough? Yamato thought as he breathed heavily. His ribs were aching with pain and so was his leg.

“Megumi, hang in there. I’m coming,” Yamato managed as he collapsed again. His leg was broken. A bone was sticking out of his calf and the pain was unbearable. His face twisted in pain as he tried to stand, trying to support himself on one leg.

“Ya...mato,” Megumi said weakly as she still hung in the Gravines jaws. Kaname walked over to Yamato.

“You are weak.” Yamato glared up at him. Kaname held his sword up in the air, pointing the blade down at Yamato. “The weak cannot survive.” Kaname plunged the sword down and Yamato closed his eyes. He opened his eyes when the blow never came. Warmth was spreading out from his hand and he looked up to see that a shield had been created. The mark on his and Megumi's hand were glowing fiercely and they no longer felt pain. Spears of brilliant light pierced the Gravines, killing them instantly as Megumi's body started to restore itself. Yamato saw a giant golden sword form in front of him, the sword about the size of Kaname himself. It plunged into Kaname, driving him into a wall and pinning him there leaving a trail of blood. The golden aura circled around Yamato and he saw that the wound on his head was healed and the bone was pushed back into his leg. His leg, however, remained broken but the pain was more bearable now. He stood up as he watched the golden glow vanish back into the mark.

“What was...?” Megumi asked as she looked at her arms. She still had several cuts but none of them were life threatening. Yamato and Megumi made eye contact and nodded. They may not have known what happened, but they weren’t going to let the opportunity they had go to waste. Drawing upon their powers, they lashed back at Kaname who was still pressed up against the wall by the golden sword. They stabbed Kaname multiple times with their own unique swords made out of ice and earth. They pulled back and stared at the bloody Kaname who had a smile on his face. He fell to the ground as the golden sword disappeared. He rolled over onto his back and stared up at the ceiling, blood trickling down his lips.

“This...was unexpected,” he whispered as he coughed up blood. “A missed calculation on my part. It would seem...we were meant to lose...”

“Meant to lose?” Megumi said. “What do you mean?” Kaname's fading eyes traveled over to her.

“Ask the one who bestowed the mark.” Kaname's eyes glazed over as he died. Yamato and Megumi looked at each other.

“Who bestowed a mark?” Yamato asked. Megumi looked back at the body of Kaname, whose eyes were still wide open.

“What mark is he talking about?” Megumi asked. Then her eyes widened. “Impossible…” Megumi and Yamato made eye contact as the realization hit them. Then their eyes went to the marks on their hands. The black swirls were no longer shining the brilliant gold and the warmth it gave off had vanished. They stared wide-eyed at it, remembering Yuuki’s oath that she stated.

“What did Yuuki do?”

Yuuki surprised her friends with another twist! Sorry I haven't updated this one in awhile. That's why I gave you guys two chapters!! :) Thank you for reading and please continue to comment and vote!! ^_^

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