Chapter Thirty-One

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“Yamato, you and Katsu take Megumi and Daichi and head to the Water Temple,” Yuuki commanded as she created a black spear in her hand. “That’s where Wrya is, the Spirit of Water. Katsu, use Arya’s power and call on her like I did with Arya and Erya. You should be able to easily convince Wrya to join...Hopefully. Hurry up and go!”

“But what about you?” Daichi asked as his eyes stayed glued on Yuuna who was coming closer.

“I’ll be fine; she’s after me anyway,” Yuuki said as she walked forward. “Besides, I won’t have you guys fighting your best friend.”

“But you’re fighting your sister!” Katsu said and Yuuki smiled.

“I’ve always been fighting my sister. Now go! Hop to it!” Yuuki yelled as she rushed forward. Their lances collided when Yamato and Katsu took off into the air, leaving Yuuki behind. “Too bad you can’t talk,” Yuuki grumbled as she shoved Yuuna back. Twirling her lance, Yuuki continue her attacks with Yuuna blocking them without showing a hint of emotion.

“Fumito you damned bastard,” Yuuki muttered as she was pushed back. She was breathing hard. Why did I have to pretend to act tough? Her breathing coming in gasps, she launched herself again and they battled, swinging and blocking in turns. This whole spirit thing is killing me, Yuuki thought to herself as she dodged Yuuna’s attack. I didn’t think it would drain my power this fast but, apparently it is. Yuuki continued to dodge until she saw the small opening. She lunged, her fist connecting with Yuuna’s face, and sent her sprawling backwards. Creating black lines in her hands, she threw them at Yuuna. The lines turned into cuffs and separated, catching Yuuna on her wrists, ankles, neck and waist. They pinned her to a tree and she didn’t even seem to struggle to get free.

“All you are now is a doll, Yuuna,” Yuuki shouted at her. “I thought you wanted to save this world? You have a very poor way of showing it!” Yuuki stared at Yuuna. “It’s all your fault, Yuuna, that I had dreams…hopes…and a life. I bet you realize that don’t you? That I suffered because of you.” Yuuki watched as a single tear fell from Yuuna’s expressionless face and she smiled softly to herself. “It’s good to know my words are starting to reach you. Just two more temples Yuuna and we can free you. I swear.” Yuuki expanded her wings and took off, following the path towards the Water Temple. Hopefully Yamato and the others made it safely there and were already making the pact with Wrya. Yuuki knew she couldn’t fight Yuuna and win in the state she was in right now. She would have to finish what she started and heal Yuuna before all her powers came back. Yuuki flapped violently, hoping to reach the temple in high speed. A thought occurred to Yuuki; if Yuuna was there, it was only a matter of time before Fumito caught on to where they were. Yuuki’s breaths were coming in gasps as she tried to make herself fly faster. She started to falter and sway from exhaustion and she dropped a few feet before her wings caught her again. Yuuki pushed through, having her determination and adrenaline fuel her. She hated leaving them alone and she prayed that Yuuna would either stay there or return back up to Niravarnia. When it was time, they would have to find Yuuna fast. Yuuki soared past the forests and the small villages, skipping the city of Arnarl and headed straight for the Water Temple. She landed at the shrine and made a clumsy landing, falling to the ground. She managed to get herself to her knees before she had to catch her breath again. This isn’t good. It’s not supposed to be happening this fast! We have to get to the other temple…fast. Mustering up her strength, Yuuki got to her feet and jumped down the well that led into the temple. Not wanting to deal with all the traps, she expanded her wings and flew through it, dodging every trap that was laid until she came to the altar room. She walked into the room just in time to hear Katsu’s voice.

“Spirit of Water,” Katsu called out and Yuuki smirked when she heard how shaky his voice was. “We seek your power. Allow your currents to waif through to select your host so we may purge the world of all evil.” Yuuki walked up to Yamato as a beautiful crystal blue wave weaved in between Daichi and Megumi. Megumi was picked up and thrown forward as the waves crashed into the center to reveal Wrya, who was dressed in sapphire robes, a dark blue gem resting on her forehead. She had dark blue hair with light aquamarine eyes as she studied the group in front of her. Yamato turned and looked at Yuuki, raising an eyebrow.

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