Chapter Twenty-Six

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~*15 minutes before Yuuna arrived*~

Yuuki flew up to the air temple, leaving Saizo behind. She had to find some way to convince Yuuna not to go through with the remains of her journey. Yuuki finally came up to the platform and noticed the dragons Yuuna and her friends used to get here. That’s awfully convenient, Yuuki thought with disgust, knowing that Kaname had probably set it up that way. Yuuki glided over the thin path and up the stairs, landing on the middle platform. Taking a deep breath, Yuuki started to take a step forward when a foot connected with her stomach, sending her rolling back. Clutching her stomach and regaining her footing, she looked up angrily to see Fumito’s arrogant face.

“Fumito,” Yuuki growled as she stood up.

“Come now, don’t act like that hurt,” Fumito mocked. “I know very well you can’t feel pain.”

“What are you doing here?” Yuuki said angrily, creating a black spear in her hand.

“Sight-seeing,” Fumito said shrugging his shoulders and Yuuki threw the spear at him. He calmly moved his head to the side, the spear barely missing his face. “I guess you don’t believe me. Very well then; I’m here to separate you and Yuuna.”

“Yuuna will believe everything I’ve said if she sees you,” Yuuki said with an uneasy smile. “You can’t do anything.”

“On the contrary, I can,” Fumito said with a wicked grin. He held up his hand and suddenly everything went black. Yuuki rubbed her eyes and tried to peer into the darkness, but she couldn’t even make out the outline of anything.

“Damn you Fumito!” she said as she spun in a circle. The light finally returned and she spun back around to see Fumito holding Takuma in a headlock. Takuma squirmed in his hold and his eyes were on Yuuki. Yuuki held out her hand, her eyes wide with horror. “Stop it Fumito!”

“I can see in your eyes you know exactly what I’m going to do,” Fumito said darkly. Takuma tried to release himself and Fumito laughed at him. “My strength is far greater than yours human.”

“Fumito, this isn’t necessary!” Yuuki said desperately. Fumito’s laugh sent chills down her spine. Gritting her teeth, Yuuki unfolded her wings and created a sword, charging Fumito. Fumito smiled and waved his hand and Yuuki hit the ground hard, skidding to the edge.

“You’re either incredibly brave, or incredibly stupid to challenge me,” Fumito said as he smiled. Yuuki looked up and watched in horror as Fumito easily broke Takuma’s neck, twisting it all the way around. Fumito, once the light had left Takuma’s eyes, twisted his head back around to the normal position. He unsheathed his sword and sliced Takuma’s body over and over again. Yuuki stood up, her eyes lit up with rage.

“Is that really necessary,” she seethed and Fumito glanced over at her. He held out his hand and Yuuki was picked up and thrown into the puddle of blood that he just created.

Yuuki got up and charged Fumito who leapt off the side, floating in the air as he gently flapped his wings.

“You coward!” Yuuki screamed at him and he just smiled.

“TAKUMA!” Yuuki froze when she heard Yuuna’s voice and she looked over and saw her staring at his body. Yuuki looked back over to where Fumito was and noticed that he had vanished. Damn it, Yuuki thought as she noticed that Yuuna and noticed her.

“Did you kill him?” she said and Yuuki hung her head and refused to answer. So this is what you wanted. Fumito…you bastard.

~*present time*~

Yuuna shoved Yuuki backwards and twirled the spear in her hand. Yuuki looked grimly at her and Yuuna could tell that she was uneasy. You were caught red-handed, Yuuna thought as her grip tightened around her spear.

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