Chapter Seventeen

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Yuuna didn’t hesitate when she stepped outside. She extended her wings to the fullest and she scanned the area. She caught sight of the beady eyes of the Crryll Hounds that looked at her with lust. Daichi and Yamato walked up beside her, their swords already drawn.

“The Sylph wants to save us now after all this suffering?” an old woman said who peered out the window. Yuuna turned around and noticed she had a crowd behind her and their expressions weren’t friendly. Yuuna’s expression fell as some started to hurl insults at her. Daichi cut his sword in the air to silence them.

“Shut up!” he shouted. “Is it our fault that you gave up so easily? If you really cared for your city, this would’ve never happened.”

“You’ve got a big mouth boy,” a man said through gritted teeth. “You didn’t have to watch your loved ones be eaten before your very eyes.”

“Since when did the Sylph care about us?” the old woman added in. Yuuna closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again and addressing the crowd.

“I know I haven’t done a proper job,” Yuuna said and the crowd fell silent. “There are people I couldn’t save, people I’ve watched die and others who have fought for me. I cannot imagine the pain and suffering you people have gone through. It is hard to watch someone you love be taken from you, and you feel powerless before a mighty foe. If I can do one thing for you people, allow me to purify your city once again.”

“Purify?” the man said as he tilted his head to the side. Yuuna nodded.

“As the Sylph, I possess the powers of purification. With or without your consent, I’m going to rid this town of these creatures,” Yuuna said as she turned back around to notice a large pack of Crryll Hounds standing before her. “If it will bring life back into this city, I will not hesitate to do so.” The crowd behind her was silent as she walked towards the pack. “Daichi, take the ones on the left; Yamato, the right. Let’s get rid of them in this part of the city and then work towards the west side.” Daichi and Yamato lunged as Yuuna shoved her hand forward, producing a white light in the center of her palm.

“Shining Lance,” Yuuna whispered and she watched in shock as it shot from her hand and jammed down the Crryll’s throats, disintegrating them on the spot. Daichi and Yamato hacked away at them, splattering their blood on the cobblestones and on the walls of the old wooden buildings.  Yuuna watched as more and more of the Crryll Hounds started to come out of the shadows, emerging into their beast form. She gritted her teeth together and flapped her wings, sending small feathers floating in the air. Yuuna released a gust of air from her wings and the feathers flew towards the Crryll’s, landing on their bodies. The feathers purified them by erupting them into flames and turning them into nothing but cinders. Yuuna turned to see that the rest were slinking back into the shadows, their fangs baring at her in hatred. Daichi and Yamato walked up behind her, blood cloaking their swords. Seeing that the rest were retreating, Yuuna walked back over the crowd.

“Takuma, I need you to lead me to the west side of the city. I believe the shrine is in that direction as well?”

“Yeah, we’ll have to borrow a boat,” Takuma said as he weaved in between the people. He put his arm around Yuuna. “We can ride in the same boat together.” Daichi knocked him over the head with his fist.

“Not in your lifetime,” Daichi said irritably. Yuuna glanced over at the bartender who was looking at her with a grim expression. Yuuna bowed to him.

“Stay inside the tavern until we return,” Yuuna said as she stood back up. “I swear I’ll restore this city. You have my word.” Without waiting for a reply, Yuuna took off down the streets with her group behind her. As soon as they started running, Crryll Hounds attacked them, coming from the shadows of the buildings. Daichi and Yamato cut them down, slicing through their chest while Katsu summoned his blades of wind and sliced the Crryll’s in half. Yuuna stopped in the middle of the street and expanded her wings, her feet slowly leaving the ground.

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