Chapter Eleven

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Yuuna was up before anyone else had awoken. She stared out the window of the inn, looking up into the cloudless night sky. She got up to try to eat something, but once again she threw it up, unable to keep anything down. Yuuna knew she was becoming another life form, but it bothered her that she was unable to eat or sleep. She didn’t want to bring this to the attention of the others though; they would just panic. She remembered what Yuuki had said about the cost of the journey. Yuuna closed her eyes, hating the fact that Yuuki knew what she was talking about. She walked over and grab a piece of parchment, writing a small note saying that she was visiting the church and that she would meet them in the plaza near the fountain. Yuuna quietly opened the door and left the room. She walked through the empty streets, heading towards the back of the city where the church stood. Maybe they’ll be able to answer my questions, Yuuna thought hopefully as she walked up the steps and pulled the door open. She saw several priests walking around and finally picked out the high priest in the back near a statue of what was supposed to be a Niravarnian. Yuuna smiled and walked up him, his eyes widening as she approached.

“Lady Sylph,” the high priest said with a low bow. “To what do I owe the honors?”

“I just have a couple questions sir,” Yuuna said respectfully. “One of the temples is located underwater. Is there an easy way to get to it?”

“Ah, the temple of water,” the high priest said thoughtfully. He smiled at Yuuna. “I had a haunch I’d be seeing you soon about that. There is an organization that gives tours to the top shrine on an island. The actual temple is beneath this shrine. There is said to be a door leading there somewhere on the island.”

“So we just search the island?” Yuuna asked as her smile widened. “That doesn’t seem as hard as I thought it would be.”

“The only problem is that this organization rarely gives tours anymore because of the monsters that have been appearing at sea,” the high priest said gravely. “You’ll have to convince them.”

“Where is this organization?” Yuuna asked.

“The city of Arnarl,” the high priest said. “However, connections with that city have been cut off. Crestar has not heard from them in a few years.”

“This is a problem,” Yuuna muttered. “Is there another city near there?”

“The closest city to Arnarl is the city of Xenari,” the high priest said. “That city has some questionable characters, so I suggest caution.”

“I see. Thank you very much,” Yuuna said with a smile. “I’ll find out what’s going on in Arnarl. Whatever is stopping the connection, I’ll fix it.”

“I hear there are small tribes of spirits near those cities,” the high priest said as Yuuna turned to go. “Naturally, spirits are gentle creatures. Seek their advice if you get stuck.”

“I will, High Priest,” Yuuna said with a small bow. “Thank you very much.” Yuuna left the church and headed towards the fountain as the sun started to rise in the distance. Just like Yamato said, Yuuna thought as she walked. The area beyond the Crestar province is going to be dangerous. I had no idea connections had been cut. I wonder…what’s going on over there? Yuuna put her hand to her chin as she thought about this.

“Yuuna!” Yuuna’s head shot up as she saw Daichi running up to her, his eyes narrowed angrily. He pulled her into an embrace. “What were you thinking going off by yourself?”

“Daichi I’m fine,” Yuuna joked as she pushed Daichi off. “I couldn’t really sleep so I figured I’d go ahead. I found out some interesting information.”

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